The way I loved you

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Too many times I ask myself why he did it, how he could be so heartless. We never spoke to each other even though I was the beta's daughter. My name is Kylee Rivers. I'm 5'7", jet black hair, slim body with curves, and sterling gray eyes. My mate is Asher Hilton the alpha of the frost pack. He's 6'4", buff, brown shaggy hair, and ice blue eyes.

   We're two totally different people. I'm sweet, shy, and caring, with a bubbly personality.  Asher is nice to his sluts and friends, but that is it. He doesn't take bull shit from anybody, but he won't leash out at anybody without a good reason, unless your me. He can't stand me, because I'm his mate. People may wonder why he could hate me for that simple fact. Well the answer is he's pissed, because now his girlfriend of three years isn't his mate and can no longer have a chance of carrying his pups. Of course she doesn't know he found his mate, nobody in the frost pack knew. Because he forbid it.


  One minute I was minding my own business, and the next I'm getting pushed to the ground.  When I looked up I realized it was Asher the Alpha, he was looking down on me with his cold eyes as blue as ice. That was when I realized he is my mate. I guess he could see it in my eyes the moment that I noticed, because that's when he said the word's that broke my heart for good. " The fates might have chose you as my mate, but to me you mean nothing. I officially reject you as my mate, and order you to never speak a word of this."  With that he turned around and walked away without listening for a response. Of course it's not like he needed one, because I couldn't defy him even if I wanted to Since he is the alpha.


 After a while I got off the ground without even a glance in his direction and ran home. Of course even though I'm seventeen I didn't have a car yet. So by the time I got home there were people from our pack here already to spend time with my brother's, including my mate. I walked through the door as quietly as possible hoping to not attract attention to myself. That however didn't turn out so well, because as soon as I made it through the door I was lieing flat on my ass. See the thing is I might be a werewolf, but I'm pretty damn clumbsy. When I looked over to see what the hell happened I busted out laughing, because there next to me was my lovely twin brother Eric splayed across the floor. He had the goofiest smile on his face that made me laugh even harder. " Thanks for hitting my head with the door and laughing. I thought twins were suppose to know what each other is thinking and where they are at all times" At that point every eye in the room was on us holding in their snickers. All except for Asher who held a stoic expression on that heavenly face of his. 'WOAH wait there Kylee. Heavenly? he rejected us remember' my wolf howled painfully in my head. That dropped the smile off my face quick.

  Both of my brother's and my sister noticed, but didn't say anything due to the company in the house. Believe me though they will hound me about it later. My family is very protective over me, because when I was younger I almost died. Of course nobody outside of the family knows, not even the almighty alpha. I still remember everything like it was yesterday.


 I was running through the parking lot when all of a sudden I felt light headed and started seeing black spots. Slowing to a stop I looked around wondering what was wrong with me. Next thing I know I was consumed by darkness. I woke up hearing the beeping of machines. When I opened my eyes I looked around seeing my whole family in chairs sleeping. " Where am I mommy?"

  My mother Victoria Rivers jumped out of her seat at the sound of my voice, waking the entire family. "Oh honey your awake. We've been so worried about you."

 I took a look around to notice my family all staring at me with worried eye's. I couldn't bare to see that look on all their faces. It hurt too much knowing the were hurting, because of me. So I took a look around to take in my surroundings.

  After a few minutes my father spoke up " Angel do you remember anything?" when I shook my head no he spoke up again. "You blacked out while running to the car" he stopped a second to collect himself. The next thing he told me had me in tears. "Angel the pack doctor had to do surgery on you. It turns out you had a rare type of cancer, it's gone now, but you'll have to take it easy for a while."

  Once I process it through my head I looked at each and every family member than asked" can this information not leave this room? I do not want the pity and sorrow of the pack. I want to be treated just like I always have." They all reluctantly agreed. Since that day they have all been protective of me.


 I came back from my reverie to the sound of a phone ringing. Everybody checked their phones to see if it was them. Asher was looking straight into my eyes when he answered the phone. "Hey baby" a smirk appeared on his face when he noticed my heartbroken expression. " yeah I'll be over there in a few minutes just let me speak with Beta Landon about a few issues first." Just to add the icing on the cake he says " make sure your wearing your birthday suit so I can show you just how much I love you." There was a giggle on the other end of the line before he disconnected.

 With that said I took off running to my room with my wolf whimpering, and my siblings yelling my name. I ignored it all as I locked my door, and sunk to floor with my spirit crumbling down all around me.

I woke up the next morning in the same position with aching bones. I looked at the clock and noticed it was noon already. Shit there goes the school day, I'm surprised nobody woke me. As I walked downstairs I noticed my parents talking in the study. I knocked at the door then walked in. Both of my parents looked at me with concern.

 My mother spoke up in her quiet voice that I know from anywhere "honey is everything ok? Jake, Eric, and Leah said you were acting rather strange when you arrived from school then ran up to your room crying." I replied with " mom I was wondering if I could stay with Uncle Jayden for a while. I need time to think, and get out of this town." Both of my parents looked rather upset, but agreed. I walked up to my room to pack while my mother called my uncle.


This is my first story so comments and suggestions are very much appreciated. To those of you who read this comment or message me and let me know what you think, and if I should continue with the story. 

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