Love of family

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*****RYAN's POV****

Once I reached the woods I followed Kylee's scent, and found her laying in her wolf form. She was so sad looking, it was tearing me apart to see her this way. I know we haven't been that close, but shes family. I decided it would be best to let her speak on her own. Stretching out beside her I rolled over on my back to look at the clouds. "Sorry about running out like that. I don't really know what came over me".

The look in her eyes almost made me break. She was so heartbroken, and I knew then she had been through things most of us couldn't understand. "You know you can tell me anything right. I'm always going to be here for you little cousin".

She looked as though she was thinking about it before she spoke "My family they don't know the real reason I left. Nobody does, but I can't tell them. Ryan your my cousin, but not from my pack. Can I tell you something I can't tell anybody else"?

"Of course Kylee you can always trust me no matter what I'll always be there for you".

Taking a deep breath she looked me in the eyes "My mate rejected me, but forbid me from telling anybody"

"I don't understand the only person with that kind of power is the alpha".

With tears leaking from her eyes she nodded trying to smile. Despite the effort she looked broken "My mate is alpha Hilton, but he rejected me. All because he doesn't want to settle down yet. He rubs the fact he has a girlfriend in my face every chance he can get. I couldn't take it anymore I had to leave. However, seeing all of the happy mates is just too much. Knowing I will never getting my happy ending like everyone else. Seeing them is a reminder of what I lost, I won't get to have a family all because my mate wants to mess around before settling down with his girlfriend. Also, for some strange reason I felt a connection with Luke. Then seeing him happy with the girl that broke his heart. Don't get me wrong I'm happy for Luke, after all I know how he felt better than anyone".

For a while I was speechless. She is facing so much without relying on anybody. She is stronger than she gives herself credit for. When I still hadn't spoken she said "That's not all of it though. When I was younger I had a rare type of cancer" sensing my need to say something she held up her hand "I'm not asking for pity".

Giving her a small smile I said "I don't pity you Kylee, I admire you. Not many people have the strength to go through everything your going through. Your a stronger person for it"

AS soon as the words were out of my mouth she flung herself at me, wrapping me in a tight embrace.

"No matter what I go through I'm glad to have came here. I can't wait to get to know my amazing cousin and his mate".

I couldn't help the joy I was feeling. My cousin trusted me enough to tell me these things she can't tell anybody else. From this moment forward I vow to never let her down.


After a little while longer of laying there we decided it was time to head back to the pack house.

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