Luke's POV

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*****LUKE'S POV*****

Waking up the next morning I couldn't stop the smile appearing on my face. Kylee was just really amazing. However, I couldn't understand how I felt those familiar tingles when I touch her, or the fireworks that shot off when I kissed her. I've only experienced that with Jamie, and as far as I know it's very rare to get two mates. I shook it off for now knowing until I spend more time around her I will only have more unsolved questions. A knock on the door brought me out of my reverie.

Throwing on a shirt and a pair of low rise sweats I answered the door. The person standing there left me even more confused, and a little angry. "What are you doing here Jamie"? She looked me in the eyes with the biggest smile lighting up her face "I came to see how my mate was doing of course". Her smile didn't seem as bright as it use to, but still made her beautiful. "You haven't worried about my well being since the night we found out we were mates, so what's changed now"? As I said this here eyes showed regret and sadness that I have never seen on her before. It made a little bit of hope bubble up in me at first, but then surprisingly my wolf wasn't trusting her. I ignored him, and brought her into a hug to comfort her. I still felt the sparks, but they weren't as strong. My wolf was feeling sadness, but I blocked it out. She is our mate we must comfort her, but he cut off all contact.

Looking up at me tears were falling down her eyes as she spoke "I'm so sor-r-rry Luke, I m-mmiss you so much. I was just scared to settle down, because ww-er-ee so young. I couldn't stop thinking about you, and I just hope you will g-give me a second chance". I saw a mixture of emotions in her eyes, but I just couldn't distinguish them. I smiled at her and agreed. She threw her arms around me in a warm hug. "Let's go eat breakfast, and show everybody were finally together". As soon as we walk into the dining room there was abrupt silence, followed by loud gasps and clinking silverwear. There was a mixture of jealousy, shock, horror, and happiness, in everyone's eyes. Then I saw Kylee's eyes that held jealousy and for some reason hurt. My wolf whimpered at the sight of her hurt, but didn't say anyting to me. Okay that's wierd. Whatever I'm not going to let him ruin the best day of my life. Still something in me wanted to tell her this didn't mean anything to me and it's not what it looks like, but it does and it is.

Knowing I can't change anything I gave a small smile, then started chatting with mine and jamie's families. They were so excited that we decided to be responsible, and finally recognize our bond. While the parents were speaking with each other Jamie started squeezing my thigh going higher up with each squeeze. Once her hand rubbed against my member it gave a little twitch of excitement. She let out a little giggle, and then slipped her hand down my sweats. I couldn't stop the moan that slipped between my lips when she grabbed a hold of me. This brought a blush to my cheeks as once again there was complete silence in the room. The only thing that broke it was the sound of someone running out of the room, and clothes ripping. Looking around I noticed Kylee was no longer in here, that had me worried. Why would she just run off like that, and where would she go? She doesn't know the land around here yet, and the prettiest she wolf around here.

I wanted to go after her, but Jamies grip on my arm wouldn't allow it. Ryan stood up and left in what I'm guessing to be in search of his cousin. Once Jamie realized I wasn't going anywhere she let go of my arm, and gave me a sheepish smile. "Don't worry about her anymore Luke you have me now remember"? I didn't understand what she meant Kylee is just a friend to me. Apparently I voiced my opinion out loud, because she shot me a glare before storming out of the room. I gave a defeated sigh. I don't know what to do Jamie is my mate that I'm destined to be with, and Kylee is a really good friend of mine that I feel I can trust. I'm comfortable around her more than any of my friends that I've known for years. I can't lose either of them.

Why do women have to be so confusing. They can never just be straight forward with a person. Us men tell everything straight forward, no beating around the bush so to speak. To clear my head I decided to go for a run. Changing into my wolf felt so freeing and content. He was an amazing color of white and black, which is the rarest colors in the history of the wolves. Even though I'm not an alpha I still have power radiating through my very bones. However, I have to hide this power from everyone. My family tells me they will explain when the time is right, whatever that means.

Suddenly my wolf hearing picks up a conversation, and the voice has me freezing in my spot.

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