delivering the news

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Since my brothers and sister were still at school I decided to get the packing over with. I knew I was going to have hell to pay once they learned of the news, I just hope that they won't take it to bad. How was I suppose to explain my decision to leave without disobeying an alpha command? That was beyond me, but school was almost over for the day so I needed to come up with something quick.

As if on cue there was a knock on my bedroom door before the whole family sauntered in. My brother Eric was the first to speak " Mom and dad said you have some news to share with all of us". I took a look around seeing my family waiting anxiously for the news that would come as a blow.

"I have decided to live with uncle Jayden for a while" I watched as they took this in shock evident on everybody's faces other than my parents who helped arrange the trip. After a few minutes Leah spoke up "when and why are you leaving" she looked so heartbroken, but I knew this was something that had to be done so I looked at everyone with a new found confidence as I replied " I just need time away from this town to think, and enjoy myself. Plus I've missed uncle Jayden, aunt Hazel, and Ryan. So I figured there wasn't any time better than now to visit".

Jake and Leah pulled my into a tight embrace while making me promise to call them every night. Eric on the other hand stood frozen in place, and I would give anything to be able to read his mind at this time.

***** ERICS POV*****

Me, Jake, and Leah were heading home, and I couldn't help but feel uneasy. I was worrying about Kylee after she just up and ran away to her bedroom yesterday. I just can't understand what happened, and it really bugged me. She's my twin we're suppose to know everything about each other. I've never seen her this broken, and it hurts that I don't know how to fix it since I have no idea whats wrong.

When we got home our mom and dad met us at the staircase saying Kylee had something important to tell us. So with that we all headed up to her room and knocked. Without waiting for a reply I walk in saying "Mom and dad said you had some news to share with all of us". It took her a few minutes, but what she said next had me frozen in my place. "I have decided to stay with uncle Jayden for a while".

Everything said after that didn't register to me. I just couldn't understand why she would just up and leave us. Did we do something to her? Is she ok? What am I going to do without my twin? She's my other half, and has been since we were in the womb I've never went a day without her. All I knew was I needed time to thing about this, so with that in mind I just turned and walked out.

I decided I needed to spend time with the boys maybe they could help me figure this out. I dialed up Asher first. It rang a few times before he answered with a breathy "this better be important I was in the middle of something".

"I need you to call the boys I have something important I need help with"

"Yeah sure meet us at the clearing in twenty" with that said he hung up.

I got in my blue 2012 chevy comaro and drove to the clearing. As soon as I arrived I spotted Asher, Dylan, Blake, and Connor. Asher was the first to ask " So what's so important we needed to meet so soon?" I could see some wariness in his eyes, but didn't think much of it, considering he is the alpha and has a lot of issues with the rogue situation at the moment.

"Kylee's leaving for Georgia to stay with my uncle and his family for a while" I looked up after this was said and saw many emotions running through their eyes. Sadness, hurt, sympathy, but what got me the most was the guilt and hurt flashing through Asher's eyes. Just as quickly as I saw it he set his face in an emotionless mask.

Blake was the one to ask the questions running through everybody's mind though " what happened? why is she leaving? when is she leaving?"

Asher looked at me with an anxious expression so I told them everything I knew. I told them how I didn't know what to do without her, how I didn't know if she was leaving because of something we did, or if there was something we just didn't catch. None of them knew what to do either, but decide we couldn't let it bring us down.

No matter what though the questions kept running through my mind, and I knew that it wouldn't be okay until I knew the reason behind her wanting to leave all of a sudden.

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