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IMAGINE: You're watching Criss do his new show and the crowd is going crazy but as Criss bends down to grab a gift his pants rip in front near his zipper Criss doesn't want to straight up since he isn't wearing underwear and afraid his 'manhood' may come out.  "Something's wrong why isn't Criss standing straight?"someone inquired.  No body expect you notice what's wrong. 

You grab your sweat shirt and go out on stage.  "Hold on Criss I told those pants were too small for you" as you tie your sweat shirt around Criss's waist  Criss stands up straight as your sweat shirt is covering the rip.  You and Criss start joking around until Mateo gets into it. Criss realize what Mateo is doing so he runs after Mateo until he's off stage. 

Nobody knows what to do but since you dabble in magic yourself you decide to help Criss out.  "While Criss fixes his wardrobe malfunction let me show you all a trick Criss taught me". You sit down on the stage as a camera comes out to show what you're doing.  "All right now Criss showed me this trick when we first started to date and I loved it now I have a ring my wedding ring to be exact and as you can see the diamonds are as clear as a mirror". 

"Now I'm going to put it in my hand but before I close my hand I want someone to yell out a color". Someone yells out yellow.  "All right I heard yellow now I'm going to close my hand and I want everyone to think of that color".  In the back Criss watches you as you open your hands and show that the diamonds have turned yellow.  The crowd cheers with delight. 

"All right now to prove to you this is my ring everyone knows Criss put an inscription on the ring.  Camera person come a little closer and if you notices there's inscription that says-".  "TWO HEARTS LINKED TOGETHER BY LOVE AND MAGIC".  Coming back on stage is Criss and he sits next to you.  He puts the ring in his hand

 When he gives it back to you but you notices there's no diamonds on the ring.  Criss opens his other hand and in it is a necklace with the diamonds and the yellow ones too.  You and the crowd are in shock as he puts it on your neck.  "I thought the diamonds would look better around your neck than on your finger" he stated with smirk.  You and Criss both get up and kiss as the crowd whistles which makes you and Criss giggle.  "We'll finish this after the show and thank you" he whispers into your ear.  You wave good-bye to the crowd and wait for Criss back stage.

CRISS ANGEL IMAGINEWhere stories live. Discover now