Chapter 18

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In the pouring rain, Adam carried Azrael most of the way out of the hospital. He struggled a bit due the lack of sleep, stress, and

blood. They stopped about five miles out in a hushed, quiet chapel graveyard. With what strength Azrael had, she cracked the only

mausoleum that was left standing's door open. It didn't take much seeing that vandals had pretty much taken a crack at it already. She helped

Adam inside, then slid, the stone door back in place. Funny, Azrael was the one in hospital, yet she had the strength of ten. Azrael took her

jacket off, and laid it on the floor, it wasn't her flat or his, but a dank, death-ridden, decaying hell hole. But, any port in a storm, right? Adam

was struggling to stand, to breathe, to speak, he reached for her, then fell into a faint into her arms. She moved him, struggling herself with

the weight of him to her jacket, and fell to his side. Taking a jagged nail that she newly aquired with the stone door, Azrael cut a small slit in

her throat. Azrael felt the sting of white, hot pain. Then the sticky, hot trickle of the blood coming from the wound. The smell of blood,

though mine, was intoxicating. She lifted Adam's head and guided his mouth to the wound, but he shook his head no, vehemently.

" I will NOT take blood in this manner." Adam stated firmly, but weakly.

" You want to die?" Azrael asked him. " You will not last much longer. Now DRINK!"

" I can't. Not like this. It's barbaric. It's animalistic. It's...." Adam was fading fast.

" It's survival!" Azrael yelled. " NOW DRINK!!!"

She grabbed his hair more firmly and guided his lips to her neck. He smelled her blood, and beautiful bouquet indeed. All his senses

were running wild. His Angel was offering her very life force to him. Even though she too, was a vampire. If he took it now, they would be

bonded for life. But, they also shared another special bond, another life....a new life...a life he created within her. Oh this was too much.... a

drug.... an intoxication...a sin....that he had done in the past....and now a retribution...his salvation. Grabbing her, he sank his teeth into neck,

touching his tongue to the womb. She moaned and gasped, falling into his arms, as he wrapped himself around her.

" Oh..God! Yes, Adam! Take me...please." Azrael begged, him. Holding him tighter with her legs, rocking her hips against him.

He felt all his male senses take over at once. He lifted her skirt, and slid her panties down. Sliding a finger inside of her, he felt she

was already dripping wet. He pumped his fingers in and out of her, listening to her whimper and cry out. She came over and over again, even

when he assaulted her with his warm tongue over her swollen clit, she exploded in his mouth. What a drink! Her juices and her blood! He was

now revitalized. Wrapping her legs around him tightly, he slid into her deeply and slowly. He knew she was pregnant, and he had to go slower.

Her muscles inside were tighter and stronger, as they climaxed with him and covered him in the brightest of all lights. He had never seen such

a beautiful sight. His Love, His Angel, His Salvation had come. On that mausoleum floor they fell asleep.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, the duty nurse was making her rounds, she stopped by Azrael's room to look in on her. She had already

looked in on her twice since her shift started and she was sound asleep. Which was no different than the last nurse's notes. However, this nurse

was no novice, like the other one was. She was a matron. On another look, she turned the overhead light on, and decided to take another set

of vitals. One half hour would not hurt anything. She was just being cautious. She went slowly to the bed, wheeling the machines over, and

looked at the sleeping form. That is when she discovered it. She threw back the covers and found the clumped pillows, and the dripping IV's.

She pushed the Nurse's call button and the alarm at the same time.

Johnathan was settling into his study with a snifter of brandy mixed with blood. He had just gotten comfortable with a book and

his favorite cigar, when there was a knock at the door. He ignored it the first time, pretending it would go away. Business hours were finished

for the day. He took two draws off the cigar, and blew the smoke out to linger in the air. He then took a long drink from the snifter, as a

second knock was heard. He took in a sharp breath, shrugged his shoulders, then got up quickly, going to the door. He slammed it open,

knocking the messenger to the floor.

" What is it then?" Johnathan asked sharply. " What is so important, that you have to interupt me at this hour?"

" It's, It's ...the sir..." the messenger said, acting more like Renfield, every minute.

" And?" Johnathan, said, raising a hand to smack him " Don't waste my time! GET ON WITH IT!"

" It's Azrael, sir. She's... she's gone!" the messenger relayed the messenger.

" WHAT!!!! What do you mean she's gone? She's dead? She can't be." Johnathan said pacing.

" Not dead gone, sir, but gone missing...." the messenger said. " The nurse said she is gone from hospital, you need to come."

" MISSING!!!!, HOW????? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON ?" Johnathan was now yelling, causing the other members to come out of their


" The nurse said she got from the other nurse that someone came and visited her late last night. Then they found she was gone today, sir." the

messenger said, then ran quickly down the hall.

Johnathan's face went from confusion to fury, as he said only one word: " Adam! "

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