chapter 1

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i was with  adam and  bella,zendaya and  roshon  we were  all chilling in  bella's  dressing room messing around

adam was sitting next to roshon but then got  up and  sat by me

bella  and roshon  looked at me and adam  then grinned  zendaya  and  adam   loooked  confused

"ohhh let's  play  truth or  dare"  bella  said with a evil smirk even  roshon  had one to

uh oh, this  will not be good

"ok , adam you go first  truth or dare" roshon asked

"truth" he said

"ok if you had  kiss one girl  who would it be??" roshon asked and i was hoping it would be me but wait  no he wouldn't choose me  he can have bella or  zendaya

"um i gonne have go with  ....riley" he said and  blushed  little

"haha  bro  then  kiss her" roshon  said and  bella  looked at me  and roshon then laughed

adam and i looked at each other  i give him  a little  smile

he leaned in  so did i  and once our lips  touched i felt butter flies ,  i seen the fireworks  and felt sparks

then our  lips  moved in sync  until the door opend

"wow , did not  expect to see my  friends  kiss   kissing adam" bridget  said  and  then  walked out

me and adam  pulled apart to see roshon ,zendaya  and  bella  have their jaws  dropped

"did not  expect a  make out session here" roshson  said and i blushed

adam wrapped his arm around my shoulder

bella  pulled out her  phone and took a  picuter of us

oh wow  thanks  bella lol

after that   they had to  go  do the show and i left

i wonder  did  adam  feel the sparks?

look  after you  (sequel to  payzer adopt a broekn  girl)Where stories live. Discover now