chapter 5

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i was  in my  room ,  the one i left   to live with my mom but now im with dad  for  the best because i need him

my phone was ringing and it was  my  mom great  just what i needed her  , i love her and   stuff but she  kept me from my dad and uncles with  no contact

"hello?" i said , im scared what she is  gonne  say

"WHERE ARE  YOU , I CAME UP  TO PICK  YOU UP BUT I DIDN'T  SEE YOU ANY WHERE"  she  yelled  through the phone

"because i was  with  adam and  stuff and  i--" i  was interupted by my dad

"hey princess who you talking to?" he asked uh oh not  good timing 

"IS  THAT LIAM...." she yelled to loud  that he  heard her and sighed

he grabbed my phone and  put it  to his  ear

"dani look  you had her for awhile and me ,the boys  hadn't  seen her in years so i suggest  that  you let me have her  please wait no let's  take this to court and  see who gets  her alright" he said  sternly  then gave me  my phone

 i sighed  then my phone  vibrated  i seen a  text  from adam ...what?

hey  bitch   thanks  for  a broken  heart  it means  alot  to me i not  perfect for  you like austin is ? no wonder  why  liam gave you  to  your mom  and dani  just  didn't  the whole  time


i broke  down can he say  that to me? then i ran over to my bathroom and  grabbed a  razor

i put it  to  my  wrist and slit pain started to become more numb  then few more cuts and i was  better 

i washed my wrist  which  hurts  and  stings  then headed to bed

look  after you  (sequel to  payzer adopt a broekn  girl)Where stories live. Discover now