chapter 6

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i woke up and got  dressed(link on side)  after  that i decided to walk over  to see austin and  the crew because i miss my ameezy :)


from: mother  direction riley :)

hey ameezy  can i come  over?

it  took him like  2 minutes  to  text  back haha

from :amezzy

to:mother direction riley :)

suree  it's boring here  without  you

awww  so  sweet


from: mother direction riley :)

ok see ya 

than i walked  to there  hotel  ,  wheni got  there i seen all of  them in  the  lobby sitting on  couch chilling

i walked  over  and coverd alex eyes

"guess who" i whispeard

"mom" he said  ,  what?  since  when i am your mom?

"what since  when i am your mom?" i said  and he looked  at me  the others  laugh

"your my moma nd austin is my  dad    and  tyler ,zack  and robert  me  are  your  guys  kids" he said  and  they laughed  austin just   smiled

"i didn't  plan on  having  four  kids?' i said  and  austin laughed"  why don't  we  go to the room"

so we  did  than robert  said he  had  show us  this video of  this youtuber  named  paint  made  after ever  after  of   disney  princess(link on side)

after  that video was  over im now  scared of   ariel ,   well not  rellay but  im scared  though like come one  rellay  

"thanks  alot  robert now i don't like  ariel no more" i said  and  he  smiled

"welcome mom" he said  ,  great now  they're  gonna  call me and  austin mom  ,dad  

"oh " alex  says

"my " tyler said  to

"gosh"  austin  said   ,  three of  there  eyes  are  wide    problay  cause of  that  stupid  video

i rest my head on austin's  should  he wrapped his arm around me

"AUSTIN  , RILEY  JUST  DATE  EACH OTHER"  robert,tyler  and  zack , andrew  yelled   where did  andrew  come  from?

"riley  will you be my  girl" he asked and i nodded  

"FINNALY ....MY PRAYS  HAVE  BEEN ANSWERD" andrew  yelled  that caused  al of  us to laugh

now im finnaly  with  austin yay 

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