chapter 3

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i miss my  princess riley  so much, why does  fucking  danielle have to be like  that. like come on she is our  adopted daughter

even though we broke up don't mean you have take my little princess away , and  today me  & sophia  broke up

she was  using me for  money so basically gold  digger and im glad  zayn and  perrie are happy couple

same with louis and elanor while me ,niall,harry are  single

today we have go  to  shake it up for  seeing some cast member's  yay i guess but oh wells


i was with adam watching   bella ,roshon and  zendaya  practice  dancing for  the show while  i felt  davis is poking me  because i took his phone away

"give it back" he whine  the  thousant  time

"FINE" i snapped then gave it to him , and he  smile  then ran away ughh such a weirdo?

then he  took my phone,im to tired to chase after him ehh oh wells

after  two minutes he came  back  with my phone and handed it to me 

"hope you like you background" he said with smirk then ran away

i unlocked my iphone   and seen he put hiself as my backgroud , like i said before sucha  weirdo (link on side)

i looked to see roshon was  busy in his  thoughts , i decided scare him so i walked over to him quietly  then jumped on his back

"RAHH" I yelled

"AHHHH" he screamed like a girl haha

"haha got ya" i said  then got up and walked away, i sat down

"FOOD" i heard  irish accent  , hmm sounds like uncle  niall's but way way more  deep weird?

i must miss boys to much because i hearing things

i got up and bumped into someone's  chest , my  bum touched cold  floor so did my back 

so i looked up to see oh my  god i can't believe it's  him 


look  after you  (sequel to  payzer adopt a broekn  girl)Where stories live. Discover now