chapter 2

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i was  listening  to austin mahone's  taylor  issues  , i  love it because  like he singing to me well he sanged to me before which was  say your  just a friend on my birthday when i turned 15

it was  the  best  but  problem  i like  him and  adam which is odd because i know  more about adam

but when im around austin i feel the same way i feel when im around adam like  wtf is going on

ughh please i hope it  better not be love triangle....wait i don't know if  they like me  so sorta maybe  i don't know

oh wells man i miss my  dad  and  the boys but  sure enough they are having better life  while im alone at  my house with loki

i love loki but  sometimes  loki gets on my nerves because  he chewed up my   shoes   and  clothes

so loki your lucky i love  you so much

my i  phone was  ringing

i grabbed it  anf  seen  my   homie  alex  was calling

( alex= A  riley =R)

A=  ayee homie

R=  ayeee my  homie, what's up

A= nothin  just bored out of my mind...can i come over  to chill with you homie?

R= what do you think homie ?

A=  it's  a  yes

R=  what do i keep telling you,  you don't  have  ask to come over  duh?

A=  oh  shush  whatever  ok im  at your  house anyways  open the door

R=  what the  fuck,   your  so  weird 

A=  (fake gasp)  im not  weird im just awesome plus  you love me homie

R= suree  .. just kidding 

i hanged up and open the door to see alex my homie

"HOMIE" i yelled   and  jumped into his arms

"my homie  i miss ya  chika, plus  allt he guys are busy with austin eating while i decided stay plus i wass thinking of you" he said

we walked in side and  we  decided play with loki for little bit

after we  got  done  playing with him  

"alex  i have a  prblem" i said

"ok  tell me im listening"  he  said

"ok , i  like  austin   and i also like  adam   it's  so  confusing who i like more because when im  around  austin  and  adam i feel  butterflys  in my stomach  " i said  and he nodded

"well does  austin or adam know" he asked and i  shook my head  no'well did you ever kiss austin  and  adam" 

"i kissed adam but i didn't know  if he  felt  the way i felt  and with austin well we  did  kiss because it was a  moment so yeah i felt  same thing  with both" 

"wow  that's  some  problem , i'll ask austin because we  tell everything  to each  and if he feels  same way you feel  then  i'll tell you" i nodded "plus  ask roshon or  davis  to ask what  adam feels about you"

i nodded great  now im will find out   what they feel  about me yay

but  what if  both of  them  don't  like   me?

look  after you  (sequel to  payzer adopt a broekn  girl)Where stories live. Discover now