Chapter 30 - Interrupted

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We did play games, lots of games. Jamie, despite looking like the model she was, absolutely loved gaming. I had no chance against her, though I made an excuse that it was only because I didn't play often. Gail, however, didn't have that excuse and was thoroughly slaughtered three times in a row. He pulled a face each time but didn't seem to care when he saw Jamie swinging her control around and chanting that she was the winner.

We moved on to board games after a while, which gave me a better chance. Monopoly was my favourite and by the time we were half way through I was battling with Gail for the winning spot, ignoring Jamie's pouting face. She gave up in the end after landing three times on a space one of us owned with houses attached to them and disappeared to make some lunch. I was glad that Gail didn't let me win after that; I enjoyed a challenge and I had really met my match.

The game went on for about three hours until finally I landed on the fatal card for the fourth time, ripping me of all of my money and the rest of my property. He gave me a smug look of victory and I pulled a tongue at him as he pulled all of my money towards himself.

"So much for letting the girl win." I huffed playfully.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed my waist. I squealed in surprise as he lifted me into the air and spun me around in a circle over his shoulder. I bashed against his shoulder blades giggling hysterically as he laughed at my wriggling. He sounded so carefree and happy that I realised immediately what Jamie had been talking about. He really had let me in and in doing so he was letting go, turning into a Gail I couldn't wait to explore.

After he finally stopped spinning and began to put me down, I looped my arms around his neck and kept myself lifted to place a kiss against his lips. He grinned at me and held me tightly in the air as he kissed me again, cradling my waist with one hand and my head in the other. This was nothing like what I had with Benny. This was real. This was exactly what I had been missing for so long. I hadn't even felt this way with Harry after a while. It was so natural and so amazing that I could feel myself falling and was powerless to stop it.

Our playful kisses became more serious as he dropped me down and delicately trailed his fingers across my cheeks. I hummed and curled into him, enjoying his heat and how amazing it felt to be held by someone who wanted me and no one else. He nipped at my lip and I gasped, grabbing at his hair. He made a moaning noise and I joined in as he unfortunately pulled away from me.

"I should have gone after you that night."

"What night?" I breathed, not really listening as I stared at his mouth.

He pushed my hair from my face and gave me a genuine heart warming smile. "The night I kissed you. I shouldn't have let Benny take you."

I ran my fingers against his chin delicately. "It doesn't matter. We still got here in the end."

His eyes sparkled and he pressed his fingers tightly into my skin. "We wasted time."

"We can make it up." I ran my fingers along the side of his face and his eyes fluttered at me. "I'm here now. I want this. It feels right."

"Are you sure?"

I grabbed his hand and placed it against my chest, allowing him to feel my racing heart. "What do you think?" I kept his hand there and put mine against his heart, glad to feel a responding hum. "I know it's complicated with Benny and everything but I've never felt anything so right. With Benny it was so forced. I wasn't completely into it. I thought it was because I was hung up on Harry but then, with you, I realised he just wasn't the right person. You... you make me forget everything."

He pressed his forehead against mine and let out a deep breath. "G, you make me feel like a good person."

"You are a good person. You're much too good for me."

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