Chapter 9 - Bathroom Friends

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Benny stuck by my side until we left for the pub.

Thankfully, Harry didn't ring me back. Gail must have scared him off pretty well for him to ignore me for the rest of the night. Unfortunately, seeing as Benny refused to let me out of his sight, I hadn't got the chance to say thank you to Gail without it causing questions between the group. Carrie kept giving me a funny look, probably due to how on edge I was compared to my usual self but I tried to ignore it and distract myself by having a good time. When I forced myself to keep busy it stopped me thinking of Harry so despite wanting to know what was distracting me so much, Carrie made it her goal to push Benny and I together at every opportunity.

She didn't really need to considering how taken he had become with me.

When we got to the pub Carrie and Jim immediately moved onto the dance floor once again. This night out was getting considerably more awkward seeing as Carrie and Jim were so engrossed with each other. We had basically turned into a couple and awkward trio night. It wasn't as if Gail seemed to care though. He immediately moved towards the bar before I could reach out and stop him.

Benny, on the other hand, stood in front of me to block my view and gave me a large grin, taking my hand to guide me towards the dance floor after the loved up couple. I didn't have a choice but to follow him, my body still not quite feeling the night out. I hadn't drank very much and it probably added to my mood but I plastered a smile onto my face for Benny's sake and wrapped my arms around his neck as he dropped his hands to my waist.

We danced for a few songs and after the fourth song he managed to make me relax. It helped that he was trying to make me laugh at every opportunity so when my shoulders shook from an inappropriate comment he'd told me, I gripped his shoulders and gave him a light kiss as a sign of appreciation. He hadn't been expecting it but as I pressed my lips to his he responded without complaint, pulling me closer so our chests touched. I laughed again at his gooey expression he held on his face and he grinned playfully back, gripping the back of my neck to briefly smash his lips to mine before he let me go, leaving me unsteady on my feet for a moment.

"Do you want a drink?" He called over the music as he gently brushed his fingers through my hair.

I nodded, still slightly dazed and allowed him to lead me towards the bar. The pub wasn't as packed as last time and I found myself being able to clearly see the people situated on the chairs behind us as we leaned against the counter. Benny ran his fingers down my ribs as he tried to catch the barman's attention and my body shivered involuntarily.

"What would you like?"

"Gin and tonic please." I murmured as I squished closer to him to prevent being bashed by the moving crowd.

He'd just ordered for us when a portly looking man with scraggly pepper coloured hair moved forward and forcefully placed his hand on Benny's shoulder. I was about to tell him to get lost when Benny turned around and his face lit up with recognition.

My words died in my mouth. He wasn't someone I expected Benny to be associated with. Mind you, I didn't know Benny all that well and I had no idea what he did during the week besides his work with cars. This guy looked about fifty years old with wrinkles slicing across his cheeks and heavy breathing pushing on his upturned lips.

"Benny, my man!" He boomed. I stumbled to the side with the force of his voice. It was as if he was hard of hearing or something from the way he was screaming towards Benny who literally stood a step away from him. I wondered whether he was always like this or whether the alcohol had managed to make him partly deaf.

"Mr Frederick! I didn't expect to see you here!"

The man grunted and knocked his head back to signal a group of people of similar age chatting animatedly in a booth. The sweat on his upper lip made me cringe in disgust. What on earth was Benny doing talking to this guy? "Thought I'd take the missus out and treat her. You know what women are like." He snorted, rolling his eyes.

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