- FIVE -

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It was an event of our choosing, laying here in smooth linens draped in the silky, smoothness of our bare skin. He lay against my chest breathing deeply as the world crept by and the sun whispered goodbye. The offer was made and accepted, with warm hands seeking unknown treasures, eyes filled with splendor, and our minds spilling forth in words barely audible except to the deepest parts of our souls.

We longed for this moment of bliss without a hesitation or doubt. It was needed, wanted, and inexplicably a beginning with no foreseeable end. He moved slowly, tilting his head upward, rising over me, and as he looked into me so deeply, I began to melt like a lit candle. You are mine and if you wish, I am yours - he whispered with sweet breath mixed with fixed certainty. I pulled myself up to him, opening my mouth slightly towards his and brushing my lips against them as I answered softly - Yes.

This was the only word heard....for the rest of the night and every day after.

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