What do you know about love? - she spat with a venom unfamiliar to him. He was stunned at first to respond, then the bolt struck him. He calmly stood to face her directly, careful to keep a respectful distance.
Then with a sensitive demeanor, arms comfortably at either side, he cleared his mind - What I know of love has no common form or representation other than this fact. How and what I know, experienced or loved, is not in question. It's the giving of love. I don't have to know anything about love in order to love. Whether it is accepted, is not in my power - again, it's just in the loving. Love is known in the doing, giving, and respecting. Love is who I am. Love is why I am still standing here when I see no love left before me. Love will continue even when I am done and gone. Love does not stop - like energy - it finds a way and goes on.
He stopped and couldn't help but smile with amazement at his words echoing back in his mind. She stood brooding as if preparing for another assault. He then whispered - No need. I am ready to go. He turned and left quietly after gathering the rest of his things. She was frozen. Eyeing him with unknown fury. He thought to himself what he already knew - how he would love her still, just not the way she knew. Sad but true.
In the car, he started the engine and then heard his phone chime. At first, he was hesitant to look if it was her. As he took a deep breath, it was not her, it was a friend. He was ready and so was the love to come. It did and when it did, he did not know love, yet he embraced it as a familiar friend echoing his love back to him. It was more than he could ever imagine.
Love is.