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I had no idea at the time what was to happen but it did. It was crowded within the room with clusters of people in intimate conversation. We glanced at each other for a moment and smiled with our eyes. He was standing with drink in hand, nursing it for a bit. I walked over casually and asked - What are you drinking? He was immediately captured by the question and after inspecting his drink he said - Not sure actually. Why don't you find out for me? He thought himself smart as he chuckled with some friends nearby smirking. At this I said - May I? And proceeded to take his free hand, pick out his index finger, dip it in the shallow glass and place it between my full lips. Upon tasting it slowly I blurted in excitement - Gin!

Then I emptied the glass still within his hand. He was spellbound. I smiled up at him and then walked away just as casually. It was not long before he was looking for me...with a bottle of gin in hand.

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