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I woke up at 8:40am

"Shit i have to be at Monas in 20 minutes!" i quickly got up and got dressed and ran out the door i ran through the hall when i ran into Si

"woah woah where you running too?"

"i thought i was going to be late so i quickly ran.."

"you have 15 minutes ..hardly gonna be late" he joked

"oh ...s..sorry"

"haha ok well come on then may as well go to Monas "

"yep" we walked to Monas and sat down inside

"what would you like?"

"dunno im not really hungry .."

"your eating and thats final Dee ...why do you think i sent Nick to get you breakfast"

"i knew you sent him.."

"i told him to get you whatever you wanted "

"im really not that hungry Si"

"Not even a blueberry smoothie?"

"oh well...once you say that then i could manage something.."

"seeee i know how to get you to eat"

"yea yea i know i know" i joked the waitress came down and took our orders we just sat there and talked

"c..can we talk?"

"we already are ...sure what about?"


"eh..what do you mean?"

"Si we've kissed Alot..and i ....Nevermind..its stupid"

"its not stupid come on tell me"

"No its really a thing for maia.."

"oh ok..hey you know you can tell me anything right?" he said while grabbing my hands


"it seems like sometimes you forget that"

"i dont ..i know i can"

"good" the waitress came down and gave us our food well she gave me my smoothie Si began eating and i drank my smoothie while reading the paper

"We should get you a new phone just to have contact"

"yea not a bad idea"

"we'll get you one after this then get going ok?"

"yeap" he quickly finished he paid then we left we walked to a nearby phone shop

"pick out whatever one you want"

"any one is good Si that one looks good"

"ok" i grabbed the phone and paid i quickly set it up then called my dad


"yea dad its me im using Nicks phone eh..im coming to see you ..i have to tell you something i should have told you a long time ago"

"Dayna whats wong?"

"nothing ..ill see you soon"

"ok ok ok" i quickly hung up and looked over at Si

"did he sound worried?"


"thats step one done then" he laughed

"how are we gonna get there?"

"subway .."

"ah ok we better get going then" i smiled , we walked to the station and got on the subway there were no seats available so we had to stand it was kinda awkward the train was packed with people so i was literally squished into Si

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