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This depression settles in, making it’s self at home

There’s no one here to save me, I’ve always been alone

The lives that we live are nothing but smoke and mirrors

Just a trick on the mind like how the devil gets his sinners

They say what doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger

But my reality is slipping and I can’t hold on much longer

Everyday this pain i’m damned with wears me thin

My heart is nothing but ice, I feel soulless within

Days and days go by but my sanity is the only one sleeping

I can feel my body losing will, my heart is barely beating

I’ve painted myself this mask of satisfaction that will not ease the pain

But I remain addicted to this misery like it is my sweet cocaine

I’m nothing but strung out junkie looking for the next score

Our undying passion is my remedy, I need it more and more

When I finally get my fix, the high always ends all too quick

Sobriety hits me like Tyson, this detox makes me sick

You say that I need rehab, but how can I go if you’re my dealer?

You’re not suppose to support this habit, you’re suppose to be the healer

I’m scared to let go, I’m terrified of the fall 

I know when this is done, I might just lose it all

Descending into the darkness, I close my eyes tightly

There’s nothing to grab onto, I spread my arms out widely 

Gravity grips my body ripping me down, faster and faster

I begin to loosen my tension, is this the ever after?

The pain is so surreal, I ache for your touch of warmth

Sub zero is the degree of my blood to which my heart conforms

This plague of evil that you’ve injected into my veins

I’m not going to let it infect my soul, what little that remains

It’s no lie that I need your touch, your love, baby you’re my everything

But I must discontinue you as my bad habit because, to you, I was nothing...

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