Chapter 5

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The Meet

All the girls were hanging out today; they hadn't done this in a while. First lunch at Joe's Crab Shack, this is what they did when they had gossip to tell one another, they all took the vow to never talk over the phone because of the business there men were in. As the girls were ordering their food Tip excused herself to go to the bathroom, she wasn't feeling too good she was eight weeks pregnant and was about to spill the beans to her girls. She was already engaged to be married; her life was good.

Tracy started the conversation first, "Okay since we all are here I'm going to go first, me and Dayshawn are over. I'm sick of his cheating ass and all the diseases he keeps bringing me." She got a lot of remarks from her girls it brought tears to her eyes.

"So what are you going to do?" Tip asked. She was the most concerned. She was very heart broken about this because Tracy had trusted Dayshawn and gave him her virginity, and they had been dating for five plus years. It was very sad to see their relationship come to an end.

"First I got to go to the doctor and see what the hell I got this time, last time it was chlamydia and crabs. His dirty dick ass don't give a fuck about me. But pay back is a bitch." She said as hot tears streamed down her face.

Diamond had to speak up now, "Tracy don't go getting yourself in any trouble, and I'm gonna have a talk with Mr. Jay tonight when he gets his ass home. His boy is out of pocket for this shit!" Diamond was pissed also because she had told Jay to check his boy before. Tracy was a good girl and didn't need that bullshit.

"I'm not gonna get in no trouble and that's why you not gonna say nothing to Jay about this. I want it to be a surprise for his bitch ass. If I got something I can't get rid of I'm gonna kill his punk ass, and that's on my momma." She said just before the waiters came out with their food. The girls waited until the waiters were out of ear shot to respond to Tracy's comment.
"Girl please stop talking like that, he is not worth your freedom. Don't let him knock you off your square like that. But if you are for real about what you just said let me know, I got somebody that can do it for you. He owes me a favor so you won't have to pay nothing." Brandy said trying to conceal her happiness. She was the one who gave Dayshawn chlamydia and trichomoniasis. She was already getting treatment for hers.

"Really Brandy, why would you say something like that to her? We are not even gonna have this conversation because if either of you gets caught, both of you will be in jail for the rest of your lives." Diamond yelled a little louder than she intended to. The girls looked around the restaurant to make sure nobody was paying attention to them.

"Diamond don't worry about it, if anything I will do the deed my damn self. I don't need any witnesses or help." Tracy said.

"Well ladies I have great news for you!" Smiled Tip, she paused until she had everybody attention around the table. When she saw she did she let it roll out of her mouth, "I'm pregnant!" She screamed. Everybody was screaming except Brandy she could care less about any of their happiness.

"Girl is that why your skin is glowing?" Diamond said

"Well I'm only eight weeks, so it's only the beginning. I got a long ways to go. Diamond we want you to be the god mother of our child. Would you grant me and Terry the honor of being the god mother of our first born child?" Tip asked she held her breath waiting for the answer.

"Yes I would love to be the god mother of your child, thanks for thinking of me!" Diamond had tears in her eyes, she felt so loved and blessed to have this opportunity. Tracy noticed Brandy reaction to the news, but she didn't say one word. She knew from that point on she had to watch Brandy's hating ass.

"Well, now that you got me all emotional I might as well tell y'all the dirt." She had to take a few deep breaths to get herself together. "First of all Jay's ass got to go do some time, his lawyer said he has to do a year and a day." She said as another tear rolled down her cheeks. She hated the thought of living one day without him.

"Well, I hope this time you're leaving his ass for good; he is no good for you. I've been telling you that for the last few years." Brandy said. She wanted Diamond to leave Jay while he was in jail so she can be there for him and win him over. Everybody was confused at that remark. It pissed Diamond and Tip off instantly. Diamond was about to say something, but Tracy spoke up first.

"You never have anything good to say to anybody, what the hell is your problem?" Tracy cut her eyes at Brandy. She wanted to jump cross the table and choke the hell out of her.

"This hating ass bitch just jealous cause she don't have a man and no Brandy I'm not gonna leave my man. I'm gonna stand beside him no matter what! As for the second thing I was gonna tell y'all was that he wants me to take over his spot for him while he is gone."

"See what the hell I'm talking about, a real man wouldn't want his woman out here selling drugs for him, while he goes to do time. He is not a real man!" Brandy yelled.

"I know we all think Brandy be hating, but Diamond think about this for a minute. Do you really think you can take over his spot for a year?" Tip the motherly one of them all asked. She was concerned that something would go wrong and Diamond would get in trouble.

"Yeah Tip, I won't be in the game, I will only have to collect money from one house daily. And he already has it set up for one of his men to pick me up and take me to go do it." Diamond said in a low tone. Meanwhile the whole time she was talking Brandy was scheming on her come up.

"OK if that's all you will be doing I don't see nothing wrong with it, if you don't watch out for your man's money, who will?" Tracy said with a smile.

"But what are you supposed to do with all the money once you collect it?" Tip asked.

"We haven't discussed that as of yet, so right now I really don't know." said Diamond.

"Well friend if you need some help I'm here for you." Brandy said first. She knew she had to keep Diamond close so her plan could come together.

"Me too hun!" Stated Tracy, she would always be down for her girls because they were always down for her.

"Well now that I'm with child Terry won't let me hang to hard, but you can always call me for advice if you need it." Tip said.

"Thanks y'all I really needed that, I'm kind of scared to do it but if I got my girls behind me I will be good." Diamond said. The girls had small talk for the next hour while they ate their food. They all hugged before they departed.

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