When I walk at times, I feel there are footsteps in the sand. Only having the ocean wash away those steps. At this point in my life I was really young. Elementary school years. Being straight up I never felt like I fitted in. I was just me. But the world in general is stereotypical. I was made fun of for the birthmark on my head. Just about everyday it would happen. At one point in my life there I just didn't understand it at all. I basically got made fun of till half way through my high school years. It really used to affect me. I used to say "Is there something wrong with me?" or "Am I not good enough?" Those thoughts used to get to me and get to my head. I discovered that my thoughts were wrong. That I've just got to be myself. I expressed myself at that time by writing remake stories with star wars. I tried finding different ways of telling stories.
That was about the time when I started to write. When I am in deep thought about what I write sometimes I just sit there in the silence wherever I get inspiration and I just write and keep writing. Sometimes I just listen to music. The band that made me say "Wow I want to do something like that." was Linkin Park. People say "I like their old stuff better." I admit their old stuff is amazing and I love "Breaking the habit." What people don't see is that they go and try something new. They experiment and create something unique and real original. Some bands now have the same type of sound. So I loved that. But all in all. In a real visual aspect when I felt lost at that time I imagined my self walking on a beach and those steps felt that they weren't there when I was made fun of. It got washed away like the ocean does. These foot steps that I took were really life changing. This was a big thing I learned to overcome. I learned to be myself. There will be people who like you and there will be people who won't. Simple as that. If you are yourself then people will respect that. These footsteps are in my mind always. Just stay true to you.
(This is in no way, shape, or form of trying to get attention from people in the past bulling me, I put this all in here so the reader of this if they are facing a difficult moment or even question themselves. That you're you and YOU should be proud of that. Thank you for your support. It means the world to me.)