Chapter Three - About as Straight as a Bendy Straw

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Arthur - Alfred found - blushed a lot. So when Alfred asked if he wanted to sleep in his bed for the night, Arthur blushed a fire truck red and insisted that he sleep in his own room.
Arthur's room was a small room on the other side of the palace, in the servants' headquarters. Alfred felt it was wrong to let his "boyfriend" sleep all the way in the servants' quarters, mainly because he wasn't technically a butler anymore.
"My bed's massive. There's plenty of room, and we wouldn't even touch." Alfred said.
"I can't do that! I wouldn't feel right, sleeping with the Prince - it feels wrong just saying it."
"But it's really comfortable."

In the end, Alfred won out. Arthur laid on the very edge of the bed, as far away from Alfred as possible.
"You have plenty of room, you know." Alfred said. Arthur just let out an exasperated sigh as he rolled over and fell asleep.


"Alright, all you need to do is pretend to like me enough to date me, okay?" Alfred told Arthur. "My Aunt Claire's one of those people who asks nonstop questions and it gets annoying after a while, so just tell her what she wants to hear. And if she gets offensive, just elbow me in the arm or something. Don't take anything she says to heart, she's fairly old fashioned."
Arthur nodded.

The two boys went down the stairs, and entered the front room to meet Claire Jones, Alfred's father's sister. She had married three times, but never had kids, and had always treated Alfred and Matthew like her sons.

"Allie!" She cried, and pulled him into a bone crushing hug. "It's so good to see you!" She looked at Arthur. "Arthur Kirkland. Aren't you a butler?"
Arthur was unsure what to say. Luckily, Alfred knew what he was doing.
"He was my butler until recently." Alfred hesitated. "He's my... significant other now." He looked down at his feet, not sure what his Aunt's judgement would be.
"Well Allie, I'm so proud of you!" Aunt Claire cried and pulled Alfred into another hug.
"Wait what-"
"I always knew you'd come out eventually! You always seemed so quiet when it came to talking about girls, and well, I figured..." She squealed and whisked Arthur and Alfred into the dining room to sit and talk. Arthur looked to Alfred in complete fear.

"Now sit down and tell me all about it! I thought there was supposed to be a wedding of sorts, wasn't there Allie?" Aunt Claire asked.
"Um, yeah, about that-" Alfred stammered. "I didn't know that Dad set up an arranged marriage until the day of- Me and Artie just started dating so I called it all off and had to tell everyone about our relationship right then and there, so it was a little bit awkward."
Aunt Claire chuckled. "What does your father think about you two in a relationship? After all, I know he really wants a grandchild-"
"Woah woah woah-" Alfred panicked. "Listen, I'm 18. I don't have any plans for that kinda stuff anytime soon, okay Aunt Claire? Besides, Me and Artie only just started dating. Male or Female, I'm not worrying about kids anytime soon. Can we please change the topic?"

Aunt Claire laughed, and launched into a hour long conversation about what had happened at her hair salon the other week, while the two boys smiled and nodded, not really paying attention.

"Allie, I always figured you were gay."
"Wait what?" Alfred snapped back to the conversation. "I wasn't paying attention."
Aunt Claire laughed again.
"I knew you'd eventually come out."
Alfred laughed uneasily, as Arthur jumped into the conversation.
"He's about as straight as a bendy straw, that's for sure."
Aunt Claire laughed as Alfred sat bewildered at what just happened, but at least the conversation was going somewhat well, as his aunt and Arthur bonded.

Eventually, Aunt Claire left the two boys as she went to go find Matthew.

"As straight as a bendy straw?" Alfred asked.
"Well, you're not a circle, but you're not a straight line either, so you're a bendy straw." Arthur replied.
"And you're weird." Alfred told him. Arthur just laughed.

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