Chapter Five - Sunsets

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It had been around four weeks since the arranged wedding and Arthur was slowly warming up to Alfred.
He learned that Alfred, although being somewhat annoying, liked books, specifically The Hunger Games. He had a habit of taking hour long showers and could sing several Taylor Swift songs by heart, yet denied this fact. He quite liked video games, and both he and Matthew could stay up until 4 in the morning playing Skyrim.

At times, Arthur forgot he was a Prince.
In fact, it almost seemed like Alfred desperately avoided his royal status. Seeing the problems it had thrown both him and Arthur into, Arthur didn't blame him.

"Hey Artie, wanna go somewhere?"
"I told you, don't call me Artie. And where would we go?"
Alfred smiled, probably at the knowledge of annoying Arthur. "Oh, I dunno. I was thinking we could go down to the train tracks."
"Why the hell would we want to go there?"
"Why not?"

Arthur sighed. Alfred was impossible.

"I thought you were annoying when I started working for you. Now, I know you're annoying."
Alfred laughed. "C'mon Artie!"
"I've told you a million times. It's Arthur."


Arthur followed Alfred through the small area of forest that separated the train tracks from the town. It was clear the Prince knew where he was going, even though Arthur had no knowledge of him leaving for the tracks before.

"This way." Alfred whispered.
"I feel like we're either doing something illegal, or you're gonna pin me down in the middle of this forest and murder me." Arthur told him.
"You're close on the first one, but I'm the Prince."
"I didn't realize being the Prince made you immortal."
Arthur wasn't sure if Alfred didn't hear him or ignored him, but either way he didn't respond.

"We're here!" Alfred exclaimed, pushing aside a tree branch to reveal some old train tracks, set somewhat close to a cliff with a beautiful view over the lake.

"Woah. Are these tracks still being used?" Arthur asked.
"I'm not sure. I think they made newer tracks recently going another way, but they use these if there's a delay." Alfred told him.
"Huh." Arthur looked out over the lake. "Nice view."
"It is, isn't it?" Alfred looked out on the lake, the reflection of the sun shining in his deep blue eyes. "I found this place when I was 13. It's like the only place I can let my mind wander. Free of responsibility."
Alfred looked down at his hands, almost as if he was searching for something, but as he noticed Arthur was looking at him, he broke off and looked directly into Arthur's eyes. He smiled.

"Your eyes have a little bit of gold in them."

Arthur blushed. Alfred gently put his hand on Arthur's face, causing Arthur a slight bit of panic.
"Alfred, we're alone. You don't have to keep up the act." He mumbled, his face feeling somewhat numb as he began to wonder what witchcraft Alfred was using. Alfred twitched and pulled his hand away.

Arthur wasn't sure what to say. You don't have to be sorry? It's okay, I kind of liked it? Are you okay?
Am I okay?

Alfred broke off his thoughts. "This is what I wanted to show you! Look!"
Arthur looked out over the lake, just in time to see the sun dip into the horizon. The bright colours of fire being extinguished by the depth of the ocean, Arthur felt compelled to sit and watch.
The sunset was exactly the kind of thing you'd bring a significant other to watch, the kind of thing that struck romance in people's hearts as they sat with the people they loved.

Was Alfred that person?

Arthur pushed the thought to the back of his head as he looked at Alfred again, watching as his expression changed from doubtful to hopeful. The golden haired boy plopped down on the grass, sat and simply watched the sunset with no words. Arthur sat beside him, and they both sat watching the sky until the sun finally dipped down into nothingness, and the sky turned dark.

Neither one of them said a word as they got up and began their journey back home.

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