Chapter Twelve - Can I ask you a Question?

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Months flew by. Alfred began realizing he'd lost concept of time. He'd been with Arthur for nearly an entire year. Alfred woke up earlier than he normally did, and glanced quickly at the calendar to make sure it was the right day.
It was May First.
Arthur's birthday.

Alfred took a deep breath. He was going to make sure this day was absolutely perfect.
Arthur would be turning twenty today, and insisted Alfred didn't throw a party or anything for him, which Alfred completely understood.
He had bigger plans, after all.

Alfred brought Arthur breakfast, which Arthur politely accepted, blushing profusely like he always did whenever his boyfriend did something sweet for him.
"Hey Artie, I know it's a special day today..."
"I told you, you twit, I don't want a celebration of any kind." Arthur had a tone which was quite passive in comparison to his words.
"I know. That doesn't mean we can't do something special, right?" Alfred chirped brightly.
Arthur chuckled softly at Alfred's excitement. "Sure thing, Al."


Alfred and Arthur walked through the now familiar forest on the way to the train tracks. It was a reminder of where they fell in love, and they both enjoyed visiting it, even after Arthur's injury nearly a year ago. The scars on his leg still were visible.

"It's still a beautiful place." Arthur said. He smiled at Alfred.
"It sure is." Alfred fiddled with the small gift wrapped box that he'd brought with him. He clutched it tightly.
"Here." Alfred said, handing the box off to Arthur. His voice quivered nervously. "I hope you like it."
Arthur smiled at his boyfriend, feeling himself blush. "I'm sure I'll like it Al. You didn't even have to get me anything."
Arthur carefully unwrapped the box and opened it.

It was a diamond engagement ring.

"Alfred..." Arthur was lost for words.
"I know it's sudden. But I love you, Artie. We've been through so much together." Alfred went down on one knee, taking one of Arthur's hands in his own.

"Will you marry me, Arthur Kirkland?"

Arthur felt himself on the verge of tears. He hadn't been expecting anything like this.
"Alfred... Yes. Yes, yes, of course!" Arthur gasped, as Alfred got up and swept him into a hug. Alfred swooped down and planted a soft kiss on Arthur's lips.
If anyone had told me a year ago that the Prince would be proposing to me, I would have thought they were insane. But now, it feels so real. It's happening. Arthur thought to himself.
I'm going to get married to Prince Alfred Jones!

Alfred took the ring and put it on Arthur's finger. It fit perfectly, and Arthur's eyes lit up as the reality of it all hit him. He hugged Alfred again, letting out a slightly feminine squeal of excitement.
"My god... I love you, Alfred Jones."


It took a while to return back to the palace, and when they did, Alfred knew he'd have to tell his parents. He knew his mother and father had secretly wished he and Arthur would break up, because they so desperately wanted him to marry a woman.

It pissed him off a lot, to be honest.

Well, fuck them then. I'm going to marry Arthur, and they're going to be happy about it if they don't want me to leave.
I've never been happier than when I'm with Artie. Let them be self-conceited morons. I'd choose Arthur over them any day, and I'm pretty sure they know that.

Alfred let out an exasperated sigh. He wasn't going to have another panic attack. This was one of the best days of his life. He wasn't going to let his parents ruin it.
He looked to his fiancé, Arthur's forest green eyes still sparkling with excitement. Alfred had never seen him so happy before, and that made every little problem melt away. All there was in Alfred's mind, was Arthur's beautiful smile, the way his eyes sparkled, his slight dimples on his cheeks. He was gorgeous in Alfred's eyes, and nothing would ever change that to him.


"When are you going to tell your parents?" Arthur asked. It was almost as if Arthur could read his mind.
"I don't know. Soon." Alfred told him, gently pecking his forehead. Arthur blushed.

Alfred thought he could break the news to his family at dinner, unfortunately it was highly unlikely they'd eat together. His father was always off somewhere, his mother out with her so-called friends or whatnot, and honestly Alfred didn't care anymore. It didn't effect him as much.
He sighed.
Most people can only dream of being royalty. But when it's a reality, it really sucks. I'd much rather be poor and close to my family than what I've got right now.

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