Chapter Fifteen - Marriage

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The ivory room was filled with people, all chattering away with other guests. The hall smelled like flowers fittingly enough, as Lilacs and Blue Tulips decorated the room. Candles lit the Room elegantly. It was everything Alfred had imagined. Why did he feel like throwing up?

The guests were mostly people he knew, although there were quite a lot of strangers. He recognized the smiling faces of his groom's three brothers, along with his own brother. Everyone was dressed formally yet seemed very comfortable. Alfred fiddled nervously with his tie.

Backstage, Arthur was just as nervous, worriedly checking himself in the mirror every two seconds as Elizabeta and Emma tried to calm him down. "Arthur. This is one of the best days of your life! You'll be fine!" Emma chirped.

"I'm so nervous. What if something goes wrong? What if he changes his mind? What if-"
"Arthur, I swear to god. You need to take a chill pill and relax." Elizabeta put a hand on the brit's shoulder and looked him in the eyes.
"Do you love Alfred?"
"Yes. Of course I do, with all my heart. I wouldn't have said yes if I didn't."
"Then get out there and prove it. You look great." She added, gesturing at Arthur's expensive suit. "Although you would look amazing in a dress as well-"
"Shut it." Arthur snapped, although chuckling under his breath.

Alfred and Arthur's mothers lit the candles and passed out the programs. They began their speech, about how the two had grown up so far and how they were thrilled that they had been able to follow their own paths and marry the man the loved. Alfred felt touched. His mother went through a lot of shit with his father to get here, and he was amazed she was still on his side.

The guests began taking their seats, yet continued talking. The doors to the entrance of the hall began closing.

The bridesmaids and groomsmen began walking in and lining up at the front of the stage. Matthew was Alfred's best man, of course, and Arthur had asked Elizabeta to be there as maid of honour. He had felt she belonged there with them, as if she hadn't been betrothed to Alfred in the first place, the two would have never fallen in love.

The guests were silent. Alfred got chills down his spine. "God, I'm so nervous..." He whispered.
"You'll be fine." Mattie whispered in his brother's ear. "And hey, if Arthur doesn't show up, your betrothed is over there anyway."
"You're really bad at this."
Mattie shrugged his shoulders. "It'll be fine. Look, there he is."

The guests stared at Arthur as he walked down the isle. He was dressed in an elegant white suit instead of a dress, but had the same captured beauty in it as a wedding gown. Arthur took a deep breath as he laid eyes on his soon-to-be Husband.

The flower girl, a sweet little thing named Ellie, who was Sean's four year old daughter, lined the path with white rose petals as the music started. It felt almost like a fairytale. Arthur took a few steps out as he was greeted by his mother, who took his arm and walked him down the isle in the same way a father would walk his daughter down. All eyes were on him, and he felt like fainting. He rest his eyes on his fiancé, who was waiting for him. Alfred's eyes were all on him, his husband, his love, his everything. Arthur realized he was about to cry and quickly wiped the tear out of his eye.

Alfred stood tall as he waited for his groom. He did his best not to show his nervousness, and smiled as his future husband came close to him.
Arthur on the other hand, felt unable to walk as all eyes were on him. He smiled and made it to his groom, excitement and joy replacing the nervousness and fear.

Arthur's mother hugged him tightly. "Your father would be so proud of you if he were here." Arthur smiled and wiped a tear from his cheek.

She placed Arthur's hand in Alfred's, before giving her future son-in-law a hug and slipping away into the crowd.

Arthur smiled as he stared into his Prince's blue eyes. The world seemed to slip away and the nervousness he'd felt vanished. It felt like they were in the same meadow Alfred had proposed in.

At long last, the priest spoke. "We are gathered here this evening to witness these two lovers join together in matrimony." Alfred took a deep breath and begun his wedding speech.
"I met Arthur over four years ago when he moved to this kingdom. I instantly knew I wanted to know him better, and I instantly knew I was a little gayer than I had originally thought." The crowd laughed softly. "Arthur's been by my side through a lot. He's helped me deal with a lot of things that many other people wouldn't understand or have the patience for. He's always been there for me. And with his help, we've been able to jump many hurdles that wouldn't be possible without him."
He smiled at his fiancé. Arthur began his half of the speech.
"I took a little longer to realize how much I loved Alfred. I always did, I just didn't realize it. But I realize that now, and I realize I couldn't live without him. He is my everything, and I'm glad I could be there for him when he needed me, just how he's always there for me when I need him." The two smiled at each other, trying not to cry.

"I, Alfred F. Jones, take you, Arthur Kirkland, to be my lawfully wedded husband. My constant friend, my faithful partner, and my love from this day forward. In the presence of our family and friends, I offer my solemn vow to be your partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honour and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live."
Arthur held Alfred's hands in his own as he began his vows.
"I, Arthur Kirkland, take you, Alfred F. Jones, to be my lawfully wedded husband. You are my heart, my soul, and my love. In the presence of our friends and family, I promise to be your best friend and faithful partner in times of good and bad, in times of sickness and health, in times of storm and clear skies, and in joy as well as sorrow. I promise to respect you, to help you, to love you and be by your side as long as we both shall live."

The ring bearer brought the rings, two beautifully crafted golden rings made specifically for this marriage. Alfred put Arthur's ring on his right ring finger, and he put Alfred's on his. Putting the ring on the opposite hand was a symbol, a meaning that said they may have not been married traditionally, but were still married, were still one.

The priest spoke. "Speak now or forever hold your peace."
Alfred smiled at Arthur.
"With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you lawfully wedded. You may kiss the groom."

Alfred smiled as he kissed Arthur, gingerly as if he'd never kissed him before. Arthur threw his arms around Alfred's neck, pulling him in closer. The guests cheered, the loudest being Sean in the audience.

The two newlyweds took the two candles that their mothers had lit. They both used the candle to light the bigger candle, the unity candle. It symbolized that they were no longer two, but one. Alfred pulled Arthur into a hug. And whispered in his ear.
"It's time to cut the cake."
Arthur laughed.

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