Chapter Ten - Awkward Conversations

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Arthur woke up, his vision somewhat blurry and his head hurt a little. He woke up and tried to grasp his surroundings, having forgotten what had happened last night. He was aware of Alfred's arm around his waist, which concerned him slightly, to say the least. He caught sight of Alfred, who wasn't wearing a shirt, and panicked briefly, before he realized he was still fully clothed.
Thank god.

He searched his brain for what exactly had happened, but he couldn't remember much. He wondered if he should wake the Prince. It was around 6:00 in the morning, and nobody but the servants would be awake by now. Alfred did look very peaceful asleep, but Arthur needed answers and he needed them now.

He nudged Alfred, trying to wake him. "Al. Alfred." Arthur whispered. However, Alfred didn't stir. Al was one of those people who could sleep through fire alarms.
"Alfred." Arthur's tone was strained and agitated. "Wake up, Alfred."
After nearly five minutes, Arthur finally managed to wake up his blue eyed boyfriend.
Alfred's dirty blonde hair was a right mess, and Arthur couldn't even imagine what his would look like, since his hair was a mess to begin with.

"Ugh, Artie... What are you doing up so early?" Alfred blinked blearily. It was obvious he couldn't see much, since he wasn't wearing his glasses and Arthur knew he was fairly blind and most likely could just make out Arthur's face.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" Arthur asked him.
Alfred went into full panic mode. "Oh my god, did we-"
"Calm the hell down, mate. I don't think so." Arthur said. "Although I don't remember much, so I'm not sure."
Alfred's eyes flickered with doubt. "Your hips don't hurt, do they?"
"No, why would they?"
"My god Alfred, you just figured I'd be bottom?"
"What? You know that's what would happen."
Arthur let out an exasperated sigh. "I swear to god, Alfred."

"You know I'm still a virgin, right?" Alfred said out of the blue.
"Really? You're the Prince, I'd figured there'd be some girl in your past-"
"I dated girls, but I never got to that stage. I was still dealing with my sexuality and... Other things." Alfred glanced down at his wrists briefly, then snapped his attention back to Arthur.
"What about you?"
"Me?" Arthur asked.
"Yeah you. There's nobody else here, is there?"
"Yeah, I still am. I want to wait until after marriage."
Alfred nodded. "Makes sense. I have the feeling you pushed me away last night and we just settled for a make out session."
"Eh. You know I love you, right?" Alfred stared into Arthur's green eyes.
"I know. Who just jumps out in front of a train for someone they don't care about?"


When Alfred went downstairs to get breakfast, he was greeted by a smirking Matthew.
"Hey, lover boy."
"What the hell is your problem, Mattie?"
"Eh, nothing. I just like annoying you every now and again."
Alfred rolled his eyes and continued eating breakfast, which was eggs and bacon.

"You know I could hear you last night, right?"
"Mattie, it's not what you think, okay?" Alfred panicked. If Matthew heard them, he'd probably be scarred for life.
"I could tell. I'm surprised you two didn't wake anyone up though." Mattie laughed. "I was playing GTA at the time, so I just put on my headphones."
"We didn't-"
"Calm down bro! I won't tell anyone. I'm a good brother like that."
"Mattie, I swear to god. We didn't do anything last night."
Matthew laughed. "Fine, fine. I'll believe you. But remember the fact that you just confessed you're still a virgin to your sixteen year old brother."
"Shut up Mattie, you started the conversation."

Alfred smiled. There were moments like this with his brother where he could escape being royalty, and just be himself.
Childish fights with his brother were one of the things that Alfred found fun.

When Arthur joined them at the breakfast table, Alfred felt himself blush. He knew they hadn't done anything last night, but it still felt as awkward as if they had.
It was even worse because Matthew was there.

Eventually Erica, the sweet little girl from a tiny country by Switzerland, (although Alfred couldn't quite remember it's name) dropped by and started a friendly conversation with Matthew, which broke the tension between everyone and allowed them all to enjoy breakfast.

Alfred's eyes scanned the people sitting around the table. Matthew, his little brother. Erica, his brother's betrothed. And sitting beside him, his sarcastic, British boyfriend who he'd triumphantly marched out of his own wedding with, and begged him to help him.
Alfred smiled at the thoughts. These were the people who actually made him feel good, who distracted him from his past, who he loved.

And Alfred made a promise to himself.
That he'd never leave them.

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