My Baby.

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"Grab your iPad Skye". I demanded as I quickly grabbed my duffel bag. She pulled her IPad off the couch tucking it in her arm. "Wallet, Phone, Keys, Gear.. Am I missing something?". I asked myself. "Did you eat?". Skye's pretty eyes glared up at me. "What time is it?". She pressed the button on her iPad as her screen lit up. "Four Twenty-Five". I came into a panic, "Skye hurry and grab me a banana, and come out to the car". Skye scurried to the kitchen as I jogged out the door.


"Go Odell go!!". Coach screeched from across the field. I dodged a tackle as well as another, running straight for the touchdown mark. I was a quarter of a yard there until a team mate came and tackled me from the side. I mumbled a cuss word as I felt my knee scrape against the dirt. "Odell you could've dodged him!! What happen??". Coach yelled from across the field. I could see Skye running towards me, leaving the bleachers. "Daddy are you okay?". I could feel her cold little hand touch my knee. "So you think playing like this is okay?? What the hell has gotten into you Odell??". Coach raised his voice at me. "Coach I'm fine!! You see me trying my ass off on this field!". I fired back. "This is what you call trying??". "I'm sorry there's no specific qualities for trying!! Just because I ain't hitting every move like I'm suppose to, mean that I'm not trying??! Fuck you!". My raspy voice yelled. "Get the fuck off my field and don't come back until I say otherwise. Do you hear me?". Coach calmly stated. I brought myself up dusting off my football equipment.

"Come on Skye". I looked back to see her glaring at me with wide eyes, and a quivered lip. "Daddy I'm scared". She began crying. I slowly sauntered over to her. She screamed with each step I took while trying to be as far from me as she could. "Skye". I called for her with a gentle tone. "Skye I'm not going to hurt you". She didn't budge.

I have to get off this fuckin field.

I grabbed Skye, as she screamed in my ear. I grabbed her IPad and my duffel bag and began heading towards the car. She repeatedly kicked her legs and tried to get out of my arm. When we finally reached the car i instantly sat her in her little booster seat. "Skye stop it. Do you hear me?". She sat quiet, still a little angry as I pulled her seat belt over her.


I let her sit across from me, I ordered her a twenty piece nugget for us to share, two chocolate chip cookies, one small cup of Hi-C and one large cup of Coke. She held her head low. I sighed, "Skye look at me". She slowly picked her head up. I wiped her dry tears, "Skye, I would never hurt you. I yelled at that guy because he made me angry and he can be bad sometimes. But as long as I am your dad I would never intentionally try to hurt you. Okay?". She slowly nodded her head. I smiled, "You ready to eat?". She sniffled, grabbing a nugget. I began plucking up a chocolate chip cookie out the bag until some random man stopped and stared at the both of us. "Is there a problem?". I retorted. "Your daughter is so pretty. I'm Joe, Joe McIntyre. I'm the head official of Shutter Up Photography and I think your daughter would be perfect to Model some of Adidas Kids' Wear". He smiled genuinely. I pushed my jaw to the side, examining his demeanor. "Do you have a business card of some sort?". "Oh I almost forgot". He enthusiastically stated reaching into his pockets, he pulled out multiple cards and handed them to me. "If it's okay with you, I would like for her to be at my Studio at 10 am tomorrow. Does that work for you?". I glanced at Skye. "Do you want to do this Skye?". I questioned her. "Your going to be on magazines and commercials by next week, Baby Girl". I darted my eyes to him, "Don't call her that". I affirmed. "Yes daddy! Can I do it??". She answered excitedly. "Sure". I agreed. "Can't wait to see you guys! Remember 10 am sharp!". "Yeah we heard you". I fired back with an innocent wave as he turned to leave. "Daddy why are you being so mean". Skye had asked. I sighed, "Skye when you get older you will realize that every person ain't really who they say they are. And once you learn that, you will never be betrayed. You hear me?". She nodded. "Good". "Daddy I'm full". She informed with a tired expression. "That's too bad I wanted to take you to Chuck E Cheese today...". I trailed off sipping my coke. Her eyes lit up, "LETS GOOO!!". I laughed. "Throw your trash away and we'll be on our way".


"Skye hurry up the car game is open!!". I yelled, with tickets spilling out my hand. She ran towards me as I grabbed her playfully and sat her on my lap as I pushed the tokens in the slot. "Let's go". I laughed as I pressed down on the petals for her. I watched as the virtual car sped down the continuously turning street, apparently speeding in front of cops. "Oh shoot Skye! Turn the wheel!". I excitedly persuaded, Skye giggled turning the wheel resulting in the car doing a drift.

After an adventurous night chasing Skye around Chuck E Cheese, I finally tucked her in her car seat, and pulled the seat belt over her, she was finally sleep. I hopped into the driver seat, hearing my my phone buzz before starting the car. I glanced down at the text message.

Hey, I'm ready for Skye. Drop her off in the morning.

My heart ached as soon as I was done reading. I picked up my phone and began texting back.

Hey, is it okay if I keep her for a few more days?

I instantly sent the messages, I watched the replying bubble pop up, and in an immediate 2 minutes her message came through.

Are you serious? Two months ago you didn't give a shit about her. I want my daughter in the morning, Odell.

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