Sikowitz's Announcement

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Beck shoved Andre with enough force to send him stumbling backward and flat on his rear end. Andre quickly scrambled back up onto his feet.

"I can't believe you," Beck spat. "Man, how could you?"

"L-Look man," Andre sputtered as he rose slowly. "I swear it ain't like that." Beck looked at him incredulously.

"So first, after being able to have any girl in the world, you go for mine. Now you lie right to my face?"



"I'm sorry. I didn't plan this. I didn't mean-" Beck lunged for Andre's throat; Andre twisted out of the way, prompting Beck to grab his shirt instead.

"And scene!" Sikowitz announced. "Great job, you two! I see your acting has really improved." Both boys smiled and took a bow with a flourish as the class erupted into applause. Andre sat back down next to Tori.

"I thought he was actually gonna kill you," Tori commented.

"So did I," Andre laughed.

"Okay, class," Sikowitz announced, "two very important things to discuss. First, I've realized how overrated doors are. Windows are much more preferable." The class looked at one another confused. "Secondly, as you all should know by now, our class is going to perform for the Valentine's Day Concert. You and a partner, picked by yours truly-" -the class groaned- "will pick a classic love song of your choice and perform it in front of the class and the other attendants."

"Yay! I love love songs!" Cat cheered.

"And we have to do this why, exactly?" Jade asked.

"Because," Sikowitz explained, "the youth of this generation barely know what good music is. I blame that new fangled flim flam that passes for music today. Anyway, remembering the classics is of great importance, and it is that area in which most of you are top nudge. It will be good exercise for you to jog the old vocal cords and clear your minds that have been clouded with garbage."

"By the way, it's top notch, Sikowitz," Robbie corrected.

"Shut up, Robbie. I like the way I say it," Sikowitz retorted.

"Seriously, though?" Tori asked rhetorically.

"No. I just know it'll be interesting seeing you sing with the partners I've given you." The class grew tense. "Ahem. Cat and Robbie-"

"Yay!" Cat squealed as she hugged Robbie, who looked fairly pleased (while Rex stared with a mix of disbelief and pride).

"Tori and Beck-" Beck flashed Tori a smile from across the room.

"And lastly, Andre and Jade." Andre froze, and Tori glanced at him nervously. Jade, however, appeared indifferent. The cumbersome silence was broken by the ringing of the bell.

"Class dismissed," Sikowitz boomed.

"Saved by the bell," Tori muttered to Andre.

Andre lay spread out on Tori's couch with his hands behind his head.

"Tori, what am I gonna do?" He finally asked.

"Well-" Tori began.

"He made Jade my partner. Jade!" Andre cut her off.

"I know but-" Tori tried again.

"I don't know what to do. I'm getting wonky in the head again," Andre began to massage his temple.

"Listen I know it might be freaky to you, but why is it? You already sang a song to her."

"She didn't even know it was about her, Tori," Andre rolled his eyes.

"Well, it's not like you're still in love with her," Tori countered. When Andre didn't answer, she added, "Right?" Andre sat up on the couch. He kept his head down for a moment, then looked up at Tori, his eyes giving away his uncertainty.

"Answer me. Are you still in love with Jade or not?" Andre thought, refusing to speak until he was sure while Tori was getting more anxious with each passing minute.

"Listen, Tori, I'm not still in love with her."

"Are you su-"

"I'm not in love with Jade. But my point is that I was. Listen I can't explain what I'm feeling, but I know it's clear that I'm not ready to sing anything with her. Let alone a love song."

"Hey if it makes you feel better, you're in less danger than I am. I got paired with Beck," Tori tried to lighten the mood. Andre placed his palm on his forehead and groaned; Tori's attempt to make him somewhat chill out failed.

"Here's an idea. Why don't you guys sing some funny love song?"


"You know. 'I'm in love with the coco,'" Tori even made her voice deep to fit the lyrics. Andre couldn't resist a smile that time.

"Or you know...." Tori used a sly tone.

"Oh no," Andre didn't think he wanted to know what was coming next.

"I LIKE BIG BUTTS AND I CANNOT LIE. YOU OTHER BROTHERS CAN'T DENY." Tori added funky dance moves while belting out, "Baby Got Back." This time, Andre tumbled over the couch laughing uncontrollably.

"Ooooh, was that my introduction?" Trina, Tori's older sister, announced as she trotted down the stairs. She showed off her figure in her new skintight jeans. Clearly it was not obvious to her that she killed the mood completely.

"Ummm, what are you doing?" Tori finally asked her peculiar older sister.

"Making sure my booty can breathe in these new designer jeans, obviously," she scoffed. Andre looked over irritably at Tori.

"She's..." he began.

"Yeah," Tori finished.

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