Chapter 2

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I woke up from hearing the door shut. I saw lots of boxes and bags. Must be my clothes. Even though he said classy there were some clothes that were more casual.
I took a shower and then I put on blue skinny jeans, a white tank top, and white forces and black jacket. I left my wavy black hair down and used the new makeup he also got me. I just put on mascara and eyeliner. I opened the door slowly and looked out. No one was around.
I walked down the hall and saw a maid  with food.
"Luna the alpha told me to bring your breakfast to you"she said while bowing. I smiled at her and took the food. "Thank you, but you don't have to bow and my name is Karina" I told her. She gave me a smile and turn and left. I walked back in my room and ate my food.
There was eggs, pancakes, bacon and sausage, and grits. Damon walked in when I was done.
" I figured you'd be more comfortable eating alone, that and you're weak and I decided that its best you stay in here. I'm locking you in and I'll let you out every day and we'll go for a run so your wolf can exercise.
Other than that we'll  have no contact until I'm ready to have pups so my son can take over" he said. I looked at him shockingly. Is he serious? How can you treat your mate like this.
"So I'm your sex slave and I'll be used. Do you even feel the mate bond at all? This is not how it's supposed to be!" I said.
He walked over to me until he was standing over me. I shrunk down feeling the power radiating off of him. "Feelings are for weaklings. I am an alpha. I cannot be weak." He said then left. I thought to myself why me. Why couldn't I have a good mate.

Damon p.o.v
I stood at the door after saying those things. I knew I hurt her and I felt bad but I never learned how to love. All I do is hurt. My pack was once large and proud and came from royalty.
Then several packs joined together and attacked us. They killed my parents and I had to take over at 13. I was close to my parents.
My siblings died as well. My sister, who I was the closest too, tried to make it but her injuries were too great. I don't want to get close to anyone else just to see them leave me again. My wolf was angry at me for being so mean to her. I went to my office and did paperwork for the pack.
Updating things about us and the packs we've taken out. I heard a knock on the door.
"You may enter" I said. My beta and best friend since diapers, Mason, walked in. "So how's life with a mate?" He asked. He knows me better than anyone in the world. 
"Well i protected her against my pack, and then acted like an asshole and told her no contact until i decide to have wolf is pissed at me. I just don't know whats wrong with me. I'm afraid to get close to anyone i guess since I've lost so much. Easier for me to push her away" i told him. He shook his head at me
" Damon you have to tell her what happened and let it all out. this rage you are holding in will take its toll on you. In the end your anger will consume you and you'll end up all alone in the end" he told me and got up and left. I thought for a moment, he may be right but i'd rather be alone than hurt and weak. i finished up the paperwork and thought maybe i could at least let her have some freedom.
i left my office and went up the stairs, people moving out of my way quickly. i got to the room and unlocked it. she was sitting on the bed looking out the window. " so i thought about what i said earlier, i decided that you can have free range of the territory. i wont lock you in but you will have a curfew as everyone else does. the curfew is 8 o'clock p.m." i told her. she looked at me and nodded her head.
" thank you" her sweet voice filled my ears. " the maid that brought you food this morning will show you around. MARY!!!!" i yelled for her causing my mate to slightly jump. Mary showed up and i told her to show my mate around. "by the way mate, what is your name again?" i asked her forgetting if she ever told me. she looked up to me with her big brown eyes and said softly
"Karina". I nodded my head and left them.

Karina p.o.v.

Well that was unexpected i thought to myself.  Mary then spent the day showing me around the property.  People just kept starring at me. 
Id say hi and they'd give me a dirty look. "How rude" my wolf said. After a few hours of mary showing me around, she told me is was dinner time. we headed back to the house. we sat at a big table and plates were brought to us full of food.  Damon then entered the room.
Everyone's head dropped to their plates trying not to look his way. He grabbed his plates and left and we heard his office door shut. Mary leaned over and whispered "he never sits with us anymore" in my ear. Everyone began eating and talking amongst themselves.  After they were all finished they got up and left.
Mary took my plate into the kitchen and told me i should head up to my room and get some sleep. I nodded my headed and and began going towards the stairs then up them. I took the last step and was pushed against the wall.
I looked up to see one of the men i saw at the table looking down at me. His eyes turned black with lust. He began feeling up my leg. When i went to scream he covered my mouth.

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