Chapter 5 - Rehearsals Can Be Fun

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(Lauren's POV)

"Ugh" I get up and turn on my phone, 6am. Why was I up so early! Again I wake up thinking about Joe and how excited I was....maybe that's why I woke up, but I might as well get ready for the day anyway, it's six and I couldn't fall back asleep because I was so excited. Yeah I still have a while till then but....shit! We still have rehearsal for Firebringer today. I don't wanna see Joe before the "date"!

"Damn it" I mouthed to myself. As I saw my roommate Denise Donovan wake up coming up to me saying "who were you talking to last night?" She sounded really tired, "I heard you talking. Who were you calling?"

"Oh yeah, sorry about that." Should I tell her who it was? No it's fine. I'll cover it up, "Did I wake you?" I said nervous if she had heard the conversation we had.

"No I just heard some mumbling from your room so I was confused" phew. "Let's get ready for rehearsal."

"Okay I'll meet you there..."

"No no, we'll go together even though you stay a little after sometimes, I'll just have Brian or Joe bring you home okay?"

Joe! Joe! That's it! She'll never know that me and Joe are gunna go out! That's perfect! I'll bring my extra clothes, forget him getting me at seven, we'll already be together by five. "Okay, that's fine with me. I like to stay after and work on my solo songs, I'll have Joe take me home after, usually he stays too."

"Great!" She said happily that she didn't have to stay at rehearsal longer than she had to, she usually has to stay because of me, "I'll be ready in a minute"

- Soon Lauren drove them to the practice studio and once they got there it was already time to start.

~A Few Hours Later~

Ugh it's already five!? Wait! That's great!

"REHEARSAL IS OVER, YOU ARE ALL EXCUSED!" I heard Nick Lang yell out and I got excited as I ran to Joe.

"Hey. I'm gunna stay with you, might as well sense I would need a ride home from you anyway"

"Oh yah! Okay, so I'll just take you home after we are done?"

"No, I mean we'll just have our..hang out earlier."

"Oh great!" He said happily and we went back to practicing more like we always did. I get to hang out with him longer. YES!

(Joe's POV)

YES! I get to hang out with Lauren even longer! I mean I guess if we are gunna watch our plays it'll take a long time. In the middle of me and Lauren singing old songs at the studio with Brian, Matt, and Nick I look up at the clock, 6pm. It seemed that Brian had done the same.

"I'm gunna go now, Nick, can you lock up?" Said Brian sounding tired after we sang for an hour.

"Yeah sure, you guys goin too? Cause me and Matt are gunna go in a minute. Cause if not, I'll give you the extra key so you guys can close up?" Nick said also very tired from being there all day.

"Um....sure" I look down at Lauren who was standing right next to me and took her hand in mine, "I-We'll close up." I said smiling.

Nick looked at me and gave me a nod and passed me the key, "don't stay to late" he smiled with a little laugh.

"I'll try" I laughed as we waved goodbye to them.

Soon all of them were gone. It was only me and Lauren in the room. She looked at me and I looked at her. We were staring into each other's eyes. Oh her beautiful chocolate brown eyes that I loved to look at.

(Lauren's POV)

Oh his beautiful clear ocean water blue eyes that I loved to look at every day when I came to practice. It had gone silent for a little, us just staring into each other's eyes. I was feeling butterflies in my stomach wanting to kiss him right then and there to show how much I really loved him.

(Joe's POV)

I was feeling butterflies in my stomach wanting to kiss her right then and there to show her how much I really loved her but I didn't even try because I knew if I did I would ruin our friendship, I know she doesn't think of me the same way.

I broke the concentration of us looking at each other, "So today for our hang out I was wondering if we could stay inside and watch some movies and/or our old plays we did together like um....sta-"

"-That's great. That sounds like lots of fun!" She said interrupting me. But I was glad I didn't have to explain it anymore.

(Lauren's POV)

I interrupted him. I already knew, he didn't need to explain anymore. I wanted to stay inside anyway. I don't do good with big crowds, nor do I like them.

It was silent for a little until I realized that in the practice room, Joe had been in his spot for "get back up" from starship so I moved over to where I was usually for it and I started: "you taught me something once..." I laughed, "that no matter how hard you get knocked down you always gotta get back up..." I look at him "so now it's your turn....GET BACK UP!" I started doing the choreography from the song and singing it. He soon caught on with me and we did the whole dance, what fun memories.

(Joe's POV)

Lauren started doing "Get Back Up" from Starship, a play we did long ago. Our characters were pretty odd for that one. My character was supposed to be in love with her character and that wasn't hard to fake out. After we did the dance we started to laugh and soon we were out the door, we locked up, and we went to my house to watch our old plays.

Hey guys! I've been watching Starship, Trail to Oregon, and Firebringer a lot recently so sorry if I annoying with those plays.

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