Chapter 13 - A Chance

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By the way, I'll be adding more POVs of other Starkids so yeah!
(Joey's POV)

I don't know when to ask Lauren out. She has been with Joe all day and I can't ask her in front of him. Oh god my luck has changed, Joe just walked into the restroom! Frick yeah! Okay, Joey, you can do this.....

Soon I'm walking over to Lauren, "Hey Lauren, can I talk to you?"

She looks up at me, "Oh hey Joey, yeah of course." She said with her beautiful smile.

"Well um.." A paused for a second, "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime, I mean like-"

She interrupted, "-sure Joey, what are friends for?" She smiled.

"Ha, great. When would you like to go out-" shit. "-around?" Dang it.

"Um... Anytime. Just come pick me up or if you decide, I'll meet you there" she smiled again. Oh that beautiful smile.

"Great. Out to dinner? I know you love food." I joked.

"Who doesn't?" She giggled, "so you gunna pick me up?"

"Yes." I said with a smile.

"Great. Just come get me when wanna go, just knock at my door, it's not hard" she giggled.

I laughed a little, "okay, see ya later then." YES! I actually get to hang with Lauren!

(Lauren's POV)

Ugh. I shouldn't have said yes to Joey, but I didn't wanna say no. I hate hurting people's feelings. What will Joe think? Ah, he'll be fine, we are just gunna hang out as friends.

Ugh, oh yeah, I forgot, it's tech week and there is three days till opening. Maybe I should cancel...I gotta work on my part... No, no, it's fine. We'll just hang out a little.

~Night Time~

I'm in my room. Tired and hungry. Tech practice is now over and I'm starving! I hope Joey gets here soon or I'll-

Ding Dong

-And he's here. Thank dead god. I walk over to the door and open it. "Hey J-" oh. "-Joe! Um... What-what are you doing here?" Why was Joe here? I don't want him to be here when Joey gets here!

"Um... Well, I just wanted to stop by and see how you're doing, um, I brought you and Denise some flowers." He smiled, ah, so adorable, what a great boyfriend.

"Awe thanks Joe. But um... I'll be leaving soon, you should go." I said calmly.

"Where are you going?" He said suspiciously.

"To the gym" I said fast making an excuse. "Um, I'll see you later though." He said calmly again.

"Uh, yeah, bye." He said kissing me on the cheek then going to his car and driving away.

Phew, got outa that. I'll go set these flowers on the table with a note to Denise:

Here are some flowers from Joe, he brought them to us. I went to go get something to eat, there is some microwave stuff in the freezer. See ya later! Rest up!
         ~Love Lo

Soon I heard a knock on the door, it must be Joey now. I set down the note and flowers then walk to the door.

"Hey Lauren." Joey said with a small smile.

"Hey Joey." I said smiling a little to show friendliness.

(Joey's POV)

Awe Lauren's smile... Joey stop! She's dating someone, get it to-together...still so cute...STOP! Ugh, "wanna go now?" I blurt out, I smiled a little to her.

"Sure." She said still smiling.

Soon we started to drive over to a place to eat, "where would you like to go to eat?"

"Anywhere. I don't care. We can go to Mc. Donald's for all I care" she laughed. Awe, her adorable laugh. Joey stop!

"Okay, how about we go to a restaurant like Denny's?" I ask.

"Sure." She said with another smile. I smile back and we make our way there.

~ten minutes later~

Me and Lauren are eating in Denny's. It seems to be fine. I feel butterflies in my stomach. I wanna let her know how I feel but I can't... Maybe I could give her clues? Take her hand? Maybe go for a kiss? Ugh, no Joey! You can't. That's stupid. Well-ugh! Don't. Ugh.

Through my indecisive mind, I soon realized I was going in to hold her hand....YES! I safely made it to holding her hand.

(Lauren's POV)

Woah what? Why is my hand in Joey's? I have to pull away-but-I-I don't wanna be rude... Ugh. Joey? Why? Why do you do this...? Wait....does me!? Oh shoot! I hope Joe doesn't know or anything. We better keep this whole thing a secret, "Joey," I say quietly handing him over to come closer to an ear to whisper, "can we keep this whole thing a secret from Joe?" I say pulling my hand out of his and he just held on tighter as I tried to pull away calmly.

"Yeah of course-La-Lauren" he said leaning in closer to me.

"Okay, thanks." I said sitting back slightly but he pulled me back up close to him, he was leaning in for a kiss-NO! He can't!


What!? I turn my head a pull myself into my seat letting go of his hand quickly and looking around. Brian. YOU LITTLE SHIT!

(Brian's POV)



I have to send this to Joe! Lauren is cheating on him with Joey! Holy crap!

...oh no, Lauren saw me... RUN!!!!

I started running till I got to a bench. I texted Joe:

Hey Joe, I thought you would like to see this:


Gtg bud, see ya later! Bye!

I got into my car. I can't believe Lauren would do that. Why would Lauren do that? That's not like her.

I look down at the photo again. "I'm sorry Joe..." I mumble to myself.

Ah! I'm back in California. And back to my daily dance classes. School will be starting soon so it'll be a little hard to keep posting/writing every few days but don't worry, I'll make time! Have a good day everyone!

(Also right now I'm learning how to play "Status Quo" from Starship on the guitar! Yay!)

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