Chapter 6 - A Date

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(Lauren's POV)

We made it to his house safely. He set his keys down on a table, grabbed the remote and sat down on his couch.

"We'll come on. You're not just gunna stand there right!?"

My head turned sharply to him. "Huh?" I said in my head blinking once or twice. "Oh, sorry." I said out loud.

"Well then, 'get over here and sit on my lap.'-" he laughed, "come on over and sit next to me." He smiled. Oh that adorable smile of his.... Lauren stop!

"Okay sorry! I'm comin Up!" I laughed joking.

"So, which one do you wanna watch first Taz?" He said asking me with a jokingly smile.

"Hummmm..... How about..... Starship! That one was a fun one, plus are ridiculous characters were so much fun to play, why not watch them too?" I laughed a little and he started to laugh too. I usually hate watching myself, and Joe knows that, but I can deal if I'm with him.

"Okay, that's fine with me." He laughed a little.

Soon we pulled up starship and were watching it. When I got to "Get Back Up" Joe had his arm around me and I was cuddled up on him with my head laying on his chest. Starship had been one of our favorite plays that we did together sense we got to hang out a lot. But man, watching it, I feel like an idiot...."what is that wig I am wearing!?" I accidentally said out loud. Damn it Lauren! That was supposed to stay in your head!

"I don't really know but did you see my crooked mustache?" He said jokingly pulling me in closer.

"Yeah yeah, at least you didn't have my weird, tough, Mexican lady character!"

"But did you play an old soft man?.... Oh wait... I have no argument..." He said sadly joking. "Holy musical batman you were an old man. Shit I can't... Wait... But you didn't play a old man with no balls and a tragic backstory huh!?" He said jokingly up in my face.

"No you're right. I couldn't even pull it off as good as you either" I said punching his arm softly.

"I don't think I'd be able to play a tough Mexican lady though. You are the only one who can pull that off. Even the wig." He started laughing and punched me in the arm softy.

We started pushing and shoving eachother till we both fell off the couch laughing and realizing that it was already the second act.

(Joe's POV)

Ah. *sigh* why did Lauren have to be so fun and perfect!? We have been laughing for ten minutes now and what fun have we had tonight already.

We went back into the position we had been in for the first act, my arm around her and her cuddling into me. We watched the rest of starship and somehow during "beauty reprise" I ended up looking into her beautiful brown eyes.
(Lauren's POV)
By "beauty reprise" I ended up looking into his beautiful blue eyes and....
(Joe's POV)
I don't know how I pulled it off but I kissed Lauren right then and there. I had to, I couldn't hold it in any longer. But this kiss was the best kiss I've ever had in my entire life.
(Lauren's POV)
As I was staring into his beautiful eyes somehow our lips became attached and I don't even know how to express how I was feeling. That was the best kiss I've ever had in my entire life.

(Joe's POV)

We slowly stopped kissing and it went silent for a minute or so as we stopped.

"I'm so sorry Lauren, I didn't mean to, my feelings for in the way of-" then I realized that our lips were together kissing again, she had done it herself.

We pulled away slowly again from eachother and she just had the biggest smile on her face after.

(Lauren's POV)

Oh my dead god! Joe did love me. I wish I could actually speak right now but the only words I can say right now are...."Joe, I love you."

"Lauren, I love you too." He said smiling.

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