Newborn-karl anthony town (4 jalisa)

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Karl Anthony was very excited to have his second child by the woman he loved to death.

And of course Jalisa felt the exact same way but by the man she loved.

So when they told there 2 year old daughter that she was expecting a baby brother she was kinda sad and kinda excited.

"Baby why do you look upset you should be happy, your gonna be a big sister to a handsome baby boy" Jalisa said while moving hair out of her daughters face.

"K" she said then left and went off to her room where all her toys were.

"I hope she is more happy when the baby comes" Karl said patting jalisas big stomach.

-night time-

Jalisa had been moving in her shared bed all night trying to find a comfortable position but she just could cause she was having miserable stomach and back pains at the same time.

"Babe what's wrong" Karl said helping you sit up.

"Nothing now you go back to sleep, I'm good thanks for asking" I said kissing him.

"Ok wake me up if you feel pain. K babe?" He said laying his arm across my lap.

"Okkkkk-owwww" she said her hand gripping Karl's HARD.

" I think he's ready"

"Ok let's go have a baby" Karl said while getting out of bed while going to get our daughter.

-at the hospital-

"Well that was tiring" Jalisa said still breathing heavily.

"But you did good and I'm so proud of you baby, I love you so much"  he said kissing Jalisa's sweaty head.

"Thanks baby and I love you too babe" she said kissing his cheek.

"Cupcake wanna come and sit with momma on her bed" I asked her.

"Yes" she said excitedly.

"Well come here" I said with open arms.

Karl picked her up and placed her right in between my legs.

"Well he's here" the nurse said coming in with our baby in colorful blankets.

"What you gonna name this precious baby boy" she asked us.

They just stared at each other.

"Uhhhhm...... How about Karl Anthony Towns Jr. , babe" she said smirking at her husband.

"That sounds like the perfect name for a perfect little boy" Karl said taking his baby in his arms.

Jalisa laughed.

"Seems like someone's jealous" the nurse said.

And I looked at her and she pointed at Maria.

"Baby why so angry"

" dis is why I didn't want another baby in the house" ( baby voice)

Karl went and sat on the bed in front  of me and showed her the baby.

And her eyes got big.

"I knew you'd love him cupcake" Karl said kissing her head and kj's head.

Jalisa just stared in awe.

Cause she knew she had the perfect family.

-the end-


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