number 1 draft pick-Markelle fultz

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Markelle just sexy

Late on this sorry... my next imagines will be on lonzo and if you wanna be the lucky girl it's about hit me up

There are some errors while writing I accidentally changed povs so sorry but enjoy

your pov:

You had just finished the finishing touches on your makeup.

You took another quick glance to make sure you looked perfect because of the special event that was happening tonight.

Your boyfriend Markelle would be getting drafted to play with the big dogs when the season began.

You were so happy because during his time playing at Washington you could see his determination for everyone to know who he was and how he could play just as great as those in the league.

And for him to basically be a nobody and put of the blue he could become the #1 draft almost brought you to tears.( tbh I really didn't know who markelle was until the draft started so sorry if I offended anyone, plus I'm a huge DUKE and KENTUCKY fan so I only watched those games)

" hello" you said answering your phone.

"Hey babe"

You cheese really hard every time he calls you babe.

"I wish I was there with you" he sighed.

"I wish you were here with me too but I'll see you later" you said making kissy noises through the phone.

"So what you doing" he asked.

"About to go downstairs to meet up with your family and then we heading off" he answered.

"K, I'll see you later"


"Love you" he said

"Love you too, kelle"

-at the draft-

"With the 1st pick in the 2017 NBA draft......the Philadelphia 76ers select.....Markelle Fultz from Washington university( don't know if that's right so sorry)" the NBA commissioner announced.

I stood to my feet as everyone in the stadium clapped for my baby.

I felt like a proud mother watching her son walk across the stage.

When Markelle finished hugging his mother he then came to me.

He hugged me and gave me a quick peck on my lips.

Then he walked to the stage and got the cap of the team he would be representing.

-after the draft-

We were at his house in his room.

We had just come back from going out to eat to celebrate even more.

His family gave him gifts, my family gave him gifts but now it was my turn to give him the best gift.

You got up from the bed that you were both laying on and headed towards the bathroom.

You had put the piece of lingerie in there yesterday and hid it so he couldn't see it.

You went to the spot where you put grabbed it and put it near the sink, setting it down.

You took off everything except your makeup.

You grabbed the clothing off the sink and began to put it on.

While putting in on you heard a loud knock on the door.

"Babe, you ok" he questioned and you could hear the concern in his voice.

You aw'ed to yourself at how much he cared about you.

"I'm fine" you said opening the door.

Markelle just took in all of your beauty and then his eyes went dark.

You pushed him until he fell back on the bed.

You sat on his man hood as you straddled his waist.

He flipped you until you were under him and began to take charge.

He ripped off the lingerie quicker than it took for you put it on.

When you were fully exposed right infront of the man you loved, you flipped again so that he was under you.

You pulled at the hem of his shirt trying to take it off, when he saw you struggle he then helped you.

You then began to unzip his pants.

You pulled them down as fast as you could along with his boxers.

"Fuck" he moaned as he cock felt the cool air the circulated around the room.

You went to the edge of the bed, got on your knees and put his dick in your mouth.

"Shit" he said as your tongue swirled.

You grabbed his hands and placed them on top of your head so that he could have his way.

That's when he began moaning loudly.

He held the back of your head so you could choke on his cock.

Although your eyes became watery, you were a big girl you could handle things and plus you loved seeing your man in a moaning situation like this.

He came close as he bought you head closer to his balls.

"Baby, I'm close" he yelled.

He kept fucking your mouth until he shot his seed all in your mouth and down your throat.


Was all he could say because it was gonna be a long night for the both you.

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