Andre iguldola-break up

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An update
I had had writers block for the longest again but I updated

And what about these playoffs

I got cavs vs warriors but cavs winning in game 6

Comment who y'all got??

His pov:

I just couldn't take it anymore.

I just didn't want to be with her

We had good moments.

And of course we shared some cause we have a son.

And I wouldn't exchange anything in the world for him.

Or her

I mean I had love for her

But I'm not in love with her.

I know it's going to break her heart when I tell her

Since we've been together for 5 years.

But I can keep leading her on.

So here I am laying in our shared king sized bed waiting for her to come in from the bathroom.

"Babe" I said loud enough so she could hear me.

"Yeah, Iggy" she answered walking in from the restroom with a wipe wiping her face with it.

"I have to tell you something" I said seriously.

"Okay...." she said worried.

I waited for her to take a seat and took her hand in mines.

"Your scaring me" she breathed.

" I don't love you anymore" I said quickly.

"What" she questioned.

"I don't love you anymore"

I had let go of her hand and closed my eyes afraid to see the hurt in her eyes.


When she said that I could all the pain in her voice.

"But we have a son together, how can you just up and say that you don't love me anymore??" She paused and then stood up.

" I have love for you I just do-" she interrupted me.

"Have you been cheating on me, there must be someone else." She said frantically.

"No there is no one else"

I had thought about it numerous of times but I couldn't cause I knew me telling her I fell out of love would her would already hurt her feelings.

She began to sob.

"Please don't cry" I pleaded.

"How am I not supposed to cry, the love of MY life, the father of my child, the man I thought I'd be with till the end just told me he doesn't love me anymore, how can I not?" She screamed.

"I'm sorry" that's all I could say.

"I'm leaving" she said gathering her stuff.

"No your not, we have a son" I said taking him into consideration.

"I can't live with a man that just broke my heart Andre"

"I'll leave tomorrow, your staying"

"No, in not, this has to many memories that I don't want to be reminded of"

"I'm leaving now and that's final" she said going up to our sons room.

"Hey baby" she said waking him up with tears in her eyes.

"Mommy" he said running his eyes.

"Put him down" I said.

She kissed his head and rocked him back to sleep.

I stay until she finally fell asleep with tear stained, red eyes.

I felt so guilty I was breaking my family apart but I just didn't love her.

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