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Luke pov
"What happened?" Calum asked as he stared at me. "She cheated and I walked in on it" I sigh. I was still heart broken. "That sucks Luke" Michael enters the kitchen wearing swimming trunks and
Michelle in her adorable one piece bathing suit. Her floaties on her arms. "Aww you look so adorable" I smile. "I try" Michael smiled as he flipped his hair.

I laugh. "Not you; my favorite niece" I smiled as I picked her up. "I'm ready to go" she smiled. "I bet you are" I pretend to eat her, causing her to laugh. I tap her nose causing her to scrunch it. "You're so adorable" I smile. "No me sexy" she stated. This caused Michael jaw to drop in shock. I burst with laughter as calum face turned bright red.

"Minnie who told you that?" Michael stated raising and eyebrow. "Uncle Cal said that I'll grow to be sexy and have all the guys" she gloated. I continued to laugh. She had no idea what that means. "What the fuck c-" Michael was interrupted by Michelle. "No swearing daddy" she stated.

He takes a deep breath. He puts a 5$ bill in the swear jar. "No guy will look at or touch her as long as I'm Michael Gordon Clifford" he looks at calum angrily. "You're very lucky she's in this room because there was a lot I wanted to say" he started to calm down.

"Guys we should head to the beach now" I suggest. "Yea you're right" Calum stated annoyed. "Whatever let's go" Michael mumbled. We walk outside and and get in the car. Michael puts Michelle in her car seat and gets in the car.

Calum pov
We arrive at the beach in 30 minutes. I get out of the car carrying Michael's donut. I take off my shirt and runs towards the ocean, luke following behind me. The water felt so great against my body. "Cal; can I borrow the donut?" Luke asked. "Sure" I toss Luke the donut.

He squeezes into the donut. I'm getting in to Luke. I squeeze in the donut with him. "Calum I'm squished" Luke stated. "I want to float too" I smiled. We began to float in the floatie.

Michael pov
"Baby come on you can do it; just get in the water" I try to reason with her. "No daddy I can't; I'll drown" she said in fear. "Michelle I would never let you drown, you're my baby girl. I love you so much" she slowly walks towards the ocean. "Come on baby you can do this" she runs into my arms. "D-daddy the water is cold" she shivers.

"I know baby" I kiss her forehead. "I'm ready to learn to swim daddy" she smiles. "Ok" I hold her up on her stomach. "Kick baby" I smile. She starts to kick her legs. Water begins to splash. "Are you ready of step 2?" I asked her. "mmhm" she said in excitement. I show her how to move her hands.

She starts to move her arms and legs. "Baby I'm gonna let go" I stated. She stops and clutches to my chest. "No daddy don't; I'm scared" she started to cry. I carry her out of the water. "Shhh baby don't cry" I try to stop her crying. She cries more. I decide to sing."Hey there, Delilah Don't you worry about the distance. I'm right there if you get lonely. Give this song another listen. Close your eyes.Listen to my voice, it's my disguise.I'm by your side."

She stops crying and looks at me. I wipe her tears away. "Don't be scared baby; I'll never let anything happen to you" I hug her tightly. She hugs back. "I love you daddy" she stated. "I love you to; let's go get ice cream" I chuckle. "Ok" she smiled. I carried her to the ice cream truck. "Ok Minnie what flavor do you want?" I ask her. "Vanilla" she smiled.

"Sir can I get 2 ice cream cones, vanilla and chocolate" I smile. He smile and gives me the ice cream and I pay for it. I put Michelle down so she can eat her ice cream. I begin to eat my ice cream. I watch Michelle messily eats her ice cream. "Minnie you're getting it everywhere" I chuckled. "It's so yummy" she smiled as she continued to
Eat her ice cream.

Calum pov
I get out of the water and walks towards Michelle and Michael. "Who wants to make sand castles?" I asked cheerfully. "I do" Michelle smiled as she jumped up and down. Her face and hands covered in ice cream. "Let's get you cleaned up first" Michael wipes her hands and face. He throws the napkin away. "Let's go build some castles" I put Michelle on my back and search for a perfect spot to build a castle.

"There" Michelle points to a great spot. "Good eye" I smile as I walk to the spot and put her down. "I got my pale and shovel" she smiled. We began to build the sandcastle. We were about to finish when a little boy came and stomped on it. "Hey why'd you do that?" I asked confused. "Because I can" he little boy snapped. "No you can't" Michelle sassed. "I can so" he yelled. "Can not" she yelled back.

Michael and the little boy mom jogs over. "Baby what's wrong?" He asked as he kneed down in front of Michelle. "He stomped on our sand castle" she proclaims as she points at him. "What are you going to do about it?" He pushes her down. "Oww" she started to cry and Michael hugs her. "You need to teach your kid manners!" He snapped. "My son does have manners" she yelled. "I really can't tell" Michael yelled back as he hugged crying Michelle.

Luke jogged over. "What happened?" I look at him. "This little boy destroyed our castle and pushed my niece down" I say angrily. "He what?!?" Luke asked shocked. "You and your filthy son can go somewhere else to rot and if he pushes her again; I'm gonna to push him down myself." Michael said frustratedly as he calmed down Michelle. "Bunny, can uncle Cal see?" I asked trying to make sure she didn't get hurt.

She wipes her tears away and shows me. There was a little scratch. "Do you want me to kiss it better?" I asked. She nodded her head, I kiss the scratch. "There better" I smiled. "Let's to home guys, she had a busy day and we need to get ready for guys night" Luke smiled. "About that...guys I can't go" Michael stated as he picked up Michelle. "What why?" I asked. We continued to walk to the car. "I can't leave her" he stated as he opened the car door and put her in her car seat.

"Oh come on Michael; I already called a babysitter" Luke tried to reason with him. "Pwease" I begged as Luke and I got in the car. Michael got in the driver seat. "Ok but if I don't like the babysitter I'm not going" he stated as he started the car. We headed home. The drive was 30 minutes.

I got out of the car and carried sleeping Michelle inside. She squirmed in my arms until I layed her on the couch. "She looks so adorable when sleeping, just like her mother" Michael stated as he closed the front door. "What happened to her mom?" Luke ask out of curiosity. I wanted to know to but didn't ask because it might hurt Michael. "She became an alcoholic and she was unstable; now she's a stripper who comes to my house every 9 months asking for money" he sighed, "she wasn't always like this. She was sweet, fun, kind, goofy"

I could tell by Michael facial expression that it was an hard subject to talk about. "We should watch a movie till bunny wakes up" I suggested. "Yea, we could watch mean girls" Luke smiled as he grabbed the remote. "Mean girls it is"Michael chuckled. We all sat on the couch and Michael put sleeping Michelle on his lap. We all watched the movie.

Hey guys

Michelle first time at the beach wasnt successful.

Lots of tears were shedded

But she's so adorable and Michaels a great dad






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