Ashton pov I layed in my bed waiting for Luke to come home. He's probably drunk and driving so he'll be home in a couple of hours. I lay down looking at the ceiling. The sound of a glass shattering filled my ears. I quietly get up going to check the noise. I saw drunk luke laying on the kitchen counter. "Luke what are you doing?" I questioned.
"I'm laying in my bed" he slurred. "That's not the bed; it's the counter" I smiled. "No its my bed; it even has my Teddy bear" he grabbed a can. "Luke, you're laying on a counter. Get down" I say as I help him off the counter. "Can I sleep with you?" He begged. "Uh...." I look at him. "Please" he smiled.
"Ok" I said as I walked back into my room. Luke followed behind me. I lay in my bed. "Stay on your side" I say. "Yes sir" he chuckled. I lay on my side, facing the opposite side of Luke. I close my eyes and slowly falls asleep.
Mia pov "Mia get your ass up!" Brandon yelled as he yanked the blanket off. "I'm up" I say sleepily. "You've been laying on your ass for 3 weeks. You're nothing but an alcoholic slut" he yelled, "Get the hell out of my house!" I get up and grab my things. "Hurry up!" He shoved me out of the house. "You can't do this; I have nowhere to go" I pleaded.
"I don't care" he slams the door in my face. This is just great. I have no were to go. Just then Michael popped in my head. Maybe if I convinced him that I changed he'll loan me money. I walk towards the bus stop. I sit on the bench waiting for the bus to arrive. The bus arrived 20 minutes later. I get on the bus and take my seat. I need money and I'll do anything to get it. Even if that means selling my own child.
Natalie pov "Baby get up" I shake Calum trying to wake him up. "It's to early" he mumbled still asleep. "Calum it's literally 2pm get up and get ready" I say. "For what" he asked, his face still in a pillow. "We're going with Michael and Michelle to the fair" I say as get dressed. I took my shower earlier today. He slowly sits up in bed and rubs his eyes.
"You need to shower; you smell like dirty socks" I say. He gets off the bed and walks towards me. "Calum don't you dare" I look at him. He hugs me. "You love my dirty sock smell" he chuckled. "I do not!" I protested. "You do so" he pecks me on the lips. I smile, "just go shower and get dressed." I finish putting on my clothes and goes into the kitchen of our apartment.
I grab a poptart out of the cabinet and starts to eat it.
Michael pov You can do this Michael. It's very easy not difficult at all. What's the worst that could happen. All I have to do is braid it. I stare at Michelle dirty blonde hair. I take a deep breath and start to braid it. I try to do it but ends up tangling her hair and my finger gets stuck. Damn it. I use my left hand and grab my phone. I dial Luke number. The phone rings. "Come on Luke pick up" I say. Just then he answers the phone. "Hello" that voice did not sound like Luke's but it was so familiar.
"Who's this?" I asked. "Ashton" he said. "The babysitter?" I questioned. "Yea, I'm also Luke's roommate" he stated. There was an awkward silence. "Well can you tell Luke to come over; there's an emergency" I say. "Okay" we both hang up the phone. I can't believe I messed up on a braid. I try to take my finger out but it wouldn't budge. Michelle sat there playing with her teddy bear.
I'm glad Luke has a key to my house because I won't be able to open the door. "Michael?" Luke called from downstairs. "I'm in Michelle's room" I yell. He ran up the stairway into Michelle room. Ashton was behind him. "What's the emergency?" He asked. "I tried to braid her hair but I only tangled it and got my finger stuck" I explained. "Let me see" he tried to take my finger out but only got his finger stuck.
"Nice going dumbass" I laughed. "Hey I tried" Luke chuckled. "I have a suggestion" Ashton said as he stood in the doorway. "What is it Ash?" Luke asked. "Wet her hair and it'll become untangled" he stated. "That might actually work" I say. I we slowly walks to the bathroom and out her head under the sink. Wets here hair and our fingers slide right out.
"I knew it would work" Ashton smiled, " I'll do her hair if you want". "Yes please" I said as I dried her hair with a towel. "Let me do my magic" he picks her up and leaves the bathroom.
Calum pov "Cj where are you?" I look under our bed. "There you are" I smiled and grab the cheerful karelian bear dog puppy. He barks and wags his tail. I smile "let's get you fed." I walk into the kitchen carrying Cj. I put him down and pour his dog food in the bowl. I also give him fresh water. "Cal are you ready to go now?" Natalie yelled from the living room.
"Yea im just feeding Cj" I yell back. "Cj be a good boy; stay away from Natalie shoes. She already has it out for you mate" I hug him and leave the kitchen. We both leaves the house. I close and lock the door behind me. I get in the car with Natalie. I start the car and begin to drive."Cal the dog has to go" she states. "What why?!?" I didn't want to give up my dog. "You show more love for the dog than you do for me; it's either me and our unborn kids or the dog" she says as she looked out the window.
Ok so hey guys
This book is slowly becoming a successful yay
So yea Natalie is trying to get rid of Calum's adorable dog.
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