How you meet-Lloyd

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(Y/N)= your name

(B/F/N)= best friend's name

No one's P.O.V.

You were at doomsday comic looking for new part of Starfarer comic. When you saw it, you realized there was only one left. You grabbed it you, then noticed, that a guy in green T-shirt and blue jeans. The guy had blond hair and ruby red eye's (A/N: I wrote that, because of the over). "Sorry, but I was first so, let it go please." The guy said and tried to pull it to his side. "Eh, no. I was first and that means you have to let go." You said and pulled the comic to your side. "Listen girl, I understand that you want it, but I took and saw it first. So hands off." He said and pulled it to his side again. "Oh, so we're playing by these rules now, huh?" You asked and pulled the comic to your side again. You were both fighting until mother doomsday pulled you a part. "That's it! Lloyd! (Y/N)! You both have to decide who will take the comic, or nobody will have it!" He said. 'Wait, Lloyd?!'  You thought. Then, you noticed that you were fighting with the green ninja! You quickly let go of the comic and backed away. "I guess, he is the one who deserve that comic." You said and walked out of the store. You were on your way to charity concert that you and your friends make for kid's in the orphans house (A/N: forgot to tell. You are singing on concert's. If you can't sing well then just imagine your really good!). Then your phone rings and you already knew that it was (B/F/N). You picked up and heard yelling. "(Y/N)! How much longer do we have to wait for you!" (B/F/N) yelled. "(B/F/N), I'm on my way. And I still got an hour!" You said and heard a loud sigh. "Fine, fine but be here as fast as you can! It's boring, and children want to talk with you! They are really, really excited, and there are many other people who will come." (B/F/N) said and hang on the phone. You decided to get some candys for you, your friends and for childern. When you got in you bump into someone. When you looked up you saw the green ninja. The one you were fighting over comic. "Wow, I didn't expect to see the same person two time's in one day." He said. You blushed a little and answered. "Y-Yeah, m-me too." You said. Then you got lot of candy payed for them and got out of store. "Do you like candy THAT much?" The boy said pointing to the candys that you bought. "Oh, no no. I got that much for me and my friends." You explain. "Well, here. And, if you want, then call me." He told you and gave you something. "Wait, but I don't-" You were about to tell him, about not having his number, but he already was gone. 'Well that what ninja do.'  You thought. Then you looked at what he give you. That was the comic you were fighting for. When you open it, you saw he wrote something in it.

Hey, I guess your name is (Y/N). So if you get bored, then call or text. (6286-0184)

You smiled and went to your concert and thought about Lloyd all the way to orphans house.

I finally finish it! OK, hope you like it! aÅnd remember to add, vote and leave your requests!

OK I'm out, bye!

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