How you meet-Zane

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(Y/N)= your name

No one's P.O.V.

You were at the park, siting under tree and thinking about who made you. You were a nindroid, and you've been looking for your creator over a year now. When you found out about what you are, you've been told about someone leaving you in the village long time ago. You always thought that you are a human orphan. But now you found out that you are a nindroid orphan. Good way to start from the beginning.  But life wasn't bad for you. You had friends, who care about you. And everyday you hope, that you'll find the one who made you. You were in very deep thoughts, until someone grabbed you by your shoulder. You turned around and saw a black nindroid. "You are coming with me" he said. "Why?" You ask a bit confused. Before he could answer, a guy in white ninja outfit punched him him. "Run! Now!" The guy in white outfit yelled and showed where to go. You nodded and ran as fast as you could. After a while, you stopped. Then you saw how far you were. You decided to turn on your fighting switch on. "You are a nindroid too?" You turn around and were about to hit the one who said that, until you saw that it was the guy who saved you. You stopped before you could hit him. " I'm sorry! I thought you are that nindroid who attacked me!" You said as you turned off your fighting switch. "It is okay, and you did not answer my question." He said. You sigh. "Yes, I'm a nindroid." Then, he opened his chest. "You do not need to worry, I am nindroid too." He said and you saw that he has the same switches what you have. "So, I don't have to hide it from you?" You ask and he nodded with a smile. You both set down  under the tree and started talking about everything you two need to know about each other. "So, you were made by Dr. Julien?" you asked. "Yes, but I would like to know who made you?" Then, your smile fell. "I-I'm afraid, that I don't know that either." You said and looked down. The guy looked at you with a look that showed shock and sadness. Then, he hugged you. "Do not worry, I did not know that I was a nindroid before, and now I know and I found my father." He said while he hugging you. You hugged back and smiled again. "I am sorry but, I never got to know your name." He said and pulled away from the hug. "My name is (Y/N)." You said. "Well, nice to meet you (Y/N). My name is Zane" He said. "Nice to meet you too." You said with a smile. Then, you got up. "Then I guess this is goodbye." You said. "But I hope we can meet again." He said and gave you piece of paper. Then he walked away You looked at the paper as you walked back home.

(Y/N), here is my number so we can meet again.(7264-9173)

'I hope we meet again too.'  You thought and walked home.

 I hope you like it! So, don't forget to add, vote and leave your requests.

OK I'm out, bye!

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