When he asks you out-Cole

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(Y/N)= Your name

Your P.O.V.

I was in the studio, practicing, when I got a text from Cole.

Cole: Look out of the window.

I was confused at first, and then I looked out window. And there I saw Cole standing there, blushing, with bouquet of flowers in his hands. I smiled and ran out. "Hey Cole! What are you doing here?" I asked. He blushed even harder and gave me the bouquet. "OK (Y/N), I want to know, i-if you would want to g-go on a d-date with me?" He asked. And now I was blushing as well. Then I giggled. "Of course, I'd love to go on a date with you!" I said and took the bouquet. "OK, I'll pick you up tomorrow, around seven, OK?" He ask. "OK, see you tomorrow." I said and got back inside. I looked out of the window and saw Cole dancing happy dance. I giggled and knocked on the window. When he saw me, he blushed really hard. Then he ran away and I continue to dance.

Cole P.O.V.

As I got in monastery, I was really happy. 'I still can't believe that she said yes! ' I thought. Then I bumped into Nya. "Hey Cole, why are you so happy?" She asked. "I just asked the prettiest girl I have ever met on a date." I said in a really happy tone. I was about to go to my room, but then "Oh really now? And who is that girl?" She ask and I heard jealous in her voice. "Nya, you chose Jay, remember?" I asked and looked back at her. "I dumped him today, just to be with you." She said. "Well, it's too late now. Tomorrow, I will ask (Y/N) to be my girlfriend." I said. "So her name is (Y/N), what a stupid name." She said. OK, now I'm really angry. "Hey! Don't you dare to say that about (Y/N)! And besides, didn't you want say that I should ask her out!? So, just shut up and don't try get in between me and (Y/N)!" I said and walked to my room, trying to calm down. 'OK Cole, calm down. Just think about how (Y/N) will look like on our date.' Then, I imagined her in front of my eyes. In a beautiful dress. And then I calmed down again. I jumped on my bed while thinking about (Y/N).

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OK I'm out, bye!

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