When he asks you out-Kai

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(F/B)= Fav book

(S/N)= Sister name

(B/N)= Brother name

(Y/N)= Your name

Your P.O.V.

I was in my room, reading (F/B). Then I herd door bell. Thank god, mom, dad, (S/N) and (B/N) weren't at the house. I ran down to the door and when I opened it, Kai was standing there and he looked a bit nervous "Hey Kai, why are you nervous ?" I ask him, and he blush. "W-what? M-Me? N-no, I-I'm not nervous ." He said. Then I saw that he was holding something behind his back. "Kai, what do you got there?" I ask. He took a deep breath and held a bouquet of red flower's in front of me. "(Y/N), I was wondering, if y-you would go out o-on a d-date with me?" He ask while his face deep red. I giggled. "I'd love to." I said and took the bouquet . He smiled "Then how about tomorrow? I will pick you up at seven, OK?" he asked. "OK, see you tomorrow then." I said and closed the door. "I DID IT!" He yelled, what made me laugh. 'Should I tell him I heard him' I thought with a smile.

Kai's P.O.V.

'I can't believe I did it!' I thought as I entered monastery. I saw Jay, Cole and Lloyd playing video games in the living room. Zane must be cooking. "Hey Kai, how did it go?" Lloyd asked. "Let's just say, tomorrow, I have a date with a girl who is even hotter then me." I said and walked to my room. While I was going, I heard Jay and Cole talking. "Did he really just said that someone is hotter then him?" Jay ask confused. "You heard that too? I thought I was going crazy." said Cole. I just laughed and got in my room. I jumped on my bad and thought how the date will go on. And how hot (Y/N) will look on the date.

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OK I'm out, bye!

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