live show interruption.

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20 minutes into the live show. Phil was talking about house plants when the chat exploded.

Gunman shoots down 75 civilians in Manchester. At a common dating spot for older couples.

"Wait .. what's this. ... oh god... that's horrible and also right by where my parents live. God I hope they weren't out tonight. Well let's pray for the families that are in morning right now. God what is this world coming to. "
5 minutes past.
"Phil... um... did you see the news? " Dan asked as he sat down on the live show.
"Yeah that's really horrible. I'm finishing off my hour in about 20 minutes. " phil said.
"But like phil... your parents they're in manchester. Shouldn't you atleast look up the restraunt. " Dan asked worriedly.
"Yeah in a bit. " Phil said not really worrying. Yet...
Dan looked up the restraunt and then his sweater covered hand went to his mouth.
"Oh god.... phil... look at the restraunt title. "
"Yeah that's where my parents propose----- oh my fucking god... aniver... dan... it's their... oh god.... no no no no no. " phil scrambled to grab his phone and call his mum. No answer... he called dad. No answer . He called again and again. No answer. Finally a strange voice answered the phone.
"This is Mr lester phone. Who am I speaking with." A gruff voice answered.
"Philip Michael lester his son!!" Phil said distraught into the phone.
"Oh... um son... you better get to the hospital. Mr lester. He's been. Shot." The man said. Phil yelped and then started hyperventilating. Trying to breathe and sob and speak all at the same time.
"Phil... phil... Phil calm down. Breathe... in and out.. in and out.. " Dan said wrapping an arm around his boyfriend. Phil regulated his breathing and started crying.
"We have to go. To... Manchester ... now..." phil said in a distraught voice. Dan nodded then realized the younow was still on.
"Sorry guys. We forgot to turn it off. Just please. Phanshows. Don't post this okay. Just delete the footage. And don't post photos. This is private. Bye guys. Pray okay. Pray hard. " Dan said into the camera. Turning off the laptop and running after phil to leave.
Into a taxi and racing to manchester. They arrived an hour later at the hospital.
"Phil lester and boyfriend here to see lester. " phil said to the receptionist. She buzzed then through and to his dad's room.
Phil burst in only to find his dad on a breathing tube and fluids. His mom was sobbing next to him. Her own shot wound in her left shoulder. Martin was already there and he was trying his best not to cry.
"Mom... " phil said softly as he touched her good shoulder.
"Oh phil... hes ... hes... dying .... phil.... what am i.... going to do.... " phil's mom sobbed into phil as he squatted down next to her and wrapped his arms around her. Dan gave Martin a hug. Since he looked like he needed one.
Phil then took his father's hand.
"Dad.... I love you... please get better. But... God's way is best... I love you.... " phil said softly. The tears freely flowing.
He felt a slight squeeze in his hand. His mom took the other hand. And Martin rubbed the hair on his dad's head. Slowly the heart rate dropped and their dad drifted off...

And he was gone.
"Nooo!!!! " phil yelled. Dan coming over to hug him. Phil sobbed... Martin sobbed. Their mom sobbed. Dan cried at the loss of his second father.
"He was supposed to walk me down the isle.... he was supposed to give me away in marriage to you. He was going to b the grandpa to all our adopted Children... " phil cried into dan. Dan shook with those words the tears freely flowing as he cried quietly and phil sobbed loudly.
They weren't the only families sobbing in the hospital.
60 people died that night. Fucking 60... it was horrible. A mass funeral was heald then separate funerals for each family. This was a day of great pain in England.
It took phil 2 weeks to recover. He still sobbed occasionally during the night. But dan was there to hold him and comfort him.

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