Chapter Thirteen - Changes

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"So have you started any applications yet?"

I heard the question but let it in one ear and straight out the other. The only thing my dad ever wanted to talk about was university and it was driving my interest down. A lot.


With a sigh I pulled my eyes from the window and looked to my dad.

"I wish you wouldn't call me that."

He smiled and raised his eyebrows.

"Since when? I've always called you Maddy. And stop avoiding the question."

"Since I was like ten, dad, and I'm not avoiding the question, I'm just annoyed by it."

He didn't seem too amused with my answer but he chose to not pick an argument on the short car drive. A part of me was thankful I started work in less than ten minutes, but only because the last thing I wanted to talk about was school. Regardless of how I felt, though, I decided to humor him.

"I've been thinking about a social work program."

He glanced over.

"What happened to what we talked about?"

"I don't want to be a doctor, dad, I wouldn't be good at it. I'd rather help kids in a different way," I trailed.

"Maddy," he started, and then sighed, "Mad, I love you and you know I want the very best for you. But social workers don't earn what you might think they do. It's a very low paying career."

"I don't care about the money. And I'm sure I'd do just fine compared to what I make now."

Though I could sense his annoyance, we were pulling up to the restaurant and he wouldn't have enough time to argue even if he wanted to.

"Well the conversation isn't over, we'll talk later," he said.

Without another word I climbed from the car and swung the door shut and left the conversation behind.

Kate didn't have work that night, but Rob was there and ever since finding out his real age something felt different between us. His words lingered in the air whenever he spoke to me, and I gave him one word answers or silent shrugs, and I think he could sense something was wrong. As much as I wanted to speak up, the other part of me didn't want to get involved in what they had or didn't have between each other.

I kept to myself for the whole four hours of my shift, waiting tables and dealing with some of the usual customers.

"So you're avoiding me now?"

I glanced up after clocking out, seeing Rob on my way toward the exit.

"I've no reason to be avoiding you," I said.

He cracked a smile, showing those perfect teeth and I almost stuck my foot out to trip him just to increase the chances of him chipping a front one.

"Well good, because Kate and I are going out Friday and we want you to come. Steve asked if you were coming."

I looked at him like he had another head on his shoulders.

"Me and Steve are not a thing, so I hope he doesn't think we are."

He simply shook his head, "He never said you were, but he wants you to come."

"I'll talk to Kate."

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