Part 2: Transitioning

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Entering the Blacksmith Shop my first reaction is woah the heat and my second is a feeling of....being home. There's the ringing of hammer on anvil and the fire whooshing from the forge. Tre steps up and rings the bell next y the door and immediately the metal on metal sound stops.

"Ah. Company is always welcome!"

A gruff voice calls from the other side of the shop filled with tables and machinery.

"But not company with evil intentions" he adds.

Tre speaks up "we mean you no bad will Master Blacksmith!"

The man from across the shop replies slowly with "Oh I know you don't Mr. Trekkato but those who followed you do. They are arriving at my shop now. Would you like you deal with them or do you want me to assist you?" He says

And at that very moment we hear the sound of tires on a gravel road and the engine of a car outside.

"Drew get down now, Hannah and Clarissa let's see what our company wants. Blacksmith it would be kind if you helped us."

It would seem that the blacksmith began glowing with a blue and red light. His long scraggly beard started flowing like silk. He punched the anvil closest to him and- His hand dipped right into it like mercury. From the anvil he pulls a hammer, but this hammer is unlike any i have ever seen. It was as large as a twenty pound barbell, but he hoisted it like it was wood.

"Oh-hobo i haven't been able to use this precious item in a great time!" the blacksmith exclaims.

I get down near the anvil mesmerized by all that is happening. Outside the building the sound of car doors slamming is like a trigger for Tre. He instantly is bolting out of the door, low to the ground as a semi-giant can get. Hannah and Clarissa are following in suit. For the life of me, i do not know why i did, but i instantly picked up the nearest thing to me. A very rough forged blade that was unfinished. But when i picked it up the same red-blue light that i saw earlier was literally flowing from the blade to me, and i somehow knew how to use this European two handed Rapier.

"Oh holy crap this is new, when did i learn how to use a freaking sword?!" I exclaim but don't care because i have the same energy as the last time i touched a handmade sword. I run towards the doors, but instead of kicking it open like i had thought, with quick strokes of my blade i cut a path for me to run through.

Outside i see that the blacksmith is a whirl of light and i am somehow connected to him i know his exact moves, but it distracts me and i am dodging blows that i shouldn't be feeling. I see that the blacksmith is fighting a man who is somehow cloaked in a dark fog.

I move my attention to Tre, who is circling a small man who has two daggers drawn. Tre literally punches his combatant so hard in the forehead that he flies five feet away. I have to remember to not piss Tre off.

But that is when the enemy's car door opens suddenly and a very bubbly girl stepped out. Instead of paying any attention to my friends or her allies she looks at me and walks forward with a girlish bounce in her step. I notice that she has a genuine smile on her face. She steps closer to me and i notice my hands tightening on the tang of the sword where the handle isn't yet finished.

"Hi there!!! My name is Fin. What's your name?" She asks.

"My name is Drew. What are you doing here harassing my friends?" I reply quickly.

She looks at the ground then and stares at her shoes. "Well, i don't really know. I was told that we were helping some friends move into a new- "She leaps toward me like a ballerina. As if in slow motion i see the point of a knife spiraling at my face. I quickly sweep my weapon up and the knife point sticks into my weapon as if it was a target. Digging itself into the steel and i feel the force of the blow. Then i notice a foot swinging at my head and i try to duck under it but lack of experience lets the foot connect and it's as if a baseball bat hit me in the temple. I am immediately on the ground and i can't breath. That's when i see the girl from earlier who showed us to the blacksmith shop, Summer, spear the girl who introduced herself as Fin to the ground and i see Summer pick Fin up and throw her into the car smashing the window in.

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