Chapter 2

56 2 1

Martin POV

I wake up surrounded by a vast amount of clothes and electronics. Shit I fell asleep in the middle of packing.

I sigh before sitting up to investigate the items on my bed. 2 pairs of Nike shoes, both black, my favourite colour. I pick both pairs up and place one into my suitcase, the other I put to the side as I'll wear them to travel.

I glance back over to my bed to see what other items I have. 3 shirts and 2 pairs of black jeans. I pick up the shirts one by one, and I place them into my suitcase, which is then followed by the pairs of jeans.

I then look over to my desk, where I see my laptop and my mixer. I collect them both and place them into my backpack so I can do some editing whilst on my flight.

I sigh before looking around my room to make sure I have everything I need. I sit on the edge of my bed pondering what'll happen tomorrow night at ultra.

I'm so frustrated that I'll be playing music I don't even like.

My phone suddenly vibrates indicating I'm getting a phone call. I stand up and walk back over  to my desk to read the caller ID.

It was Oliver. As in Oliver Heldens.

I smirk before answering the phone call.

(M-Martin, O- Oliver)

M- Hey Oliver what's up?
I ask in a neutral tone

O- my fan count that's what!
He shouts down the phone before letting out a laugh, I then suddenly laugh too as Oliver has one of those laughs that are very infectious

M- Good for you man! I can only dream

O- okay Garrix stop being a sarcastic little shit

M- My bad

O- anyways, you playing at ultra tomorrow night?

M- as a matter of fact I am
I say before letting out a little laugh


Moliver? Really Oliver? Really?
I continue to laugh as I kind of feel awkward now.

M- I guess I'll see you there then!

O- will do man, see you soon!

And with that he ended the call pretty abruptly.

I place my phone back onto my desk before I lay back down on my bed.


"WAKE UP WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR OUR FLIGHT!!!" My mother shouts as she's shaking my arm

What a nice thing to wake up to. I sigh regretting going back to sleep, as I feel ten times more tired than before I slept.

I get out of bed and I quickly change into some clean clothes. I decide to wear a basic white tee, with a pair of black jeans and also my pair of black nikes that I put to the side earlier.

I grab my suitcase and my backpack before exiting my bedroom to head outside to the car.

I place my bags into the back seat of the car, and I then slide in with them. I tap my pocket to find my phone, but there was nothing there.

"Shit" I say under my breath before opening the car door.

"And where do you think you're going?!" My father asks in a questionable tone.

"I left my phone inside, I'll be back!" I shout whilst running into the apartment.

Having my parents as managers is so damn stressful. It's so much pressure trying to do and be what they want. I do regret having my parents as my managers, as they are constantly with me, and honestly it gets a little much, I feel as if they're gonna treat me like a kid for the rest of my life.

I sigh at the thoughts going through my head, before picking up my Iphone. I don't know what I would've done if I left it behind.

I quickly run back to the car, where my father already has the key in the ignition signalling that they're ready to go.

I hop back into the back seat and I put my thumb up signalling I'm ready to go. And with that, the car finally starts to move.


After 45 minutes of travelling in the car, we finally make it to the airport.

My father drives along this private alleyway which leads to one of the many runways at the airport.

As we turn various corners, I see loads of different people entering the airport. Families, friends, couples... I desire having a perfect relationship, but this industry makes it really difficult for that to happen. Id do anything to have a normal life, a normal life that would allow me to have someone I can call mine forever, and someone I know I wouldn't ever have to leave because of tours or shows.

I look down at my shoes, trying to keep my emotions to myself as if my parents saw me like this, I'd be questioned so much I may aswell be on a quiz show.

We finally arrive on the runway, and I look up and out of the car window, and in the distance, I see my private jet that has the words 'Martin Garrix' on the side.

I'm not going to lie, having a private yet is amazing, but the whole aspect isn't as amazing as it used to be.

The car finally stops, in which I open the door and then grab my backpack and my suitcase. I pass a smile to both of my parents before walking over to the jet.

"This is so exciting isn't it Martijn?!" My mother boasts enthusiastically

"Totally" I say with a fake smile

I begin to drag my suitcase along the pathway before I finally reach the jet. I place my suitcase outside the jet, for one of the staff to collect, I then fling my backpack onto my back before making my way up the stairs of the jet.

"Welcome back Mr Garritsen" the air hostess says before passing me a smile

"Thank you" I reply with a warm smile back.

I make my way up into the jet and I take a seat on one of the chairs.

"Ah" I say before snuggling into the chair.

I look up to see my parents laughing at me and I just shrug it off.

I place my bag on the table and I take out my computer, mixer and my headphones.

"I'll talk to you guys soon, I'm gonna finish this track list" I say with a little smile.

They nod before taking their seats. I open up my computer and put my headphones on, I then click on my music mixer application and begin to improve the song 'oops' I was working on yesterday.

Okay Ultra, I'm coming for you.

Another update! I hope you all like this book so far! If so give it a vote so I know! Also add this book into your library as there will be a lot of updates :)

~ Em

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