Chapter 3

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Martin POV

That flight felt like it was going to last a lifetime, when in reality, it lasted 2 hours.

I groan before packing away my laptop and my mixer. I keep my headphones in, but I transfer the cord to my iPhone, so I can listen to some music on the way to my hotel.

My mother signals with her hands for me to pull my headphones off. I oblige and I pull my headphones down, so they're around my neck.

"Are you okay?" She asks pretty concerned with a stern look on her face

Shit, she can tell somethings up with me...

"No I'm perfectly fine" I say simply before picking up my bag.

"Are you sure?" She questions again

"I'm sure" I state before making my way down the jet to the exit.

"Okay as long as you're sure" she states before following behind me.

That was close. My mother always asks stupid questions and I never ever answer a question like that truthfully, as I know it'll go one way. Letting my parents down. And I do NOT want to do that.


After an hour of travelling we finally make it to our hotel.

I step out of our car before looking up to admire the tall, grand building which had the words 'Hilton hotel' on it. Of all the hotels I've ever been to, I genuinely liked the look of this one. Not too expensive or over the top. Just a room for the night.

I slightly smile to myself at the fact this would give me a taste at a more normal lifestyle.

I grab my suitcase out of the back of the car, and I then grab my backpack. I fling my backpack onto my back, and I then pull along my suitcase behind me.

My parents arrive at the front desk before me and I see them talking to the manager. Whilst waiting behind them, I look around admiring the different pieces of artwork on the walls of the hotel.

I love art, it's so simplistic yet so unique. Art is a little like music, as it's what you make it. Well I wish my music was what I make it but-

"Marty!" My father calls over to me interrupting my thoughts.

I look up to him showing I'm paying attention. And before me he holds a hotel room key in front of him.

"Thanks" I say with a smile before looking at the key.

Room 393, nice.

I pull along my suitcase until I reach the elevator. I press the button, and I wait for the doors to open. Once opened, I step into the elevator and I press the button that says 'floor 5'.

The doors close, and the elevator begins to move.

I finally arrive to the fifth floor. There's quite a few rooms on this floor which I'm quite surprised at, as I'm not used to very busy hotels.

I look in front of me to see what number was on the door. The door read '375'. I look down another door and it says '378'.

From my calculations my room should be a few doors down from here.

I start to walk down the corridor, whilst wheeling my suitcase behind me.

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE MARTIN GARRIX" I hear a girl scream behind me

"Shit" I say under my breath, before turning around to see where screaming came from.

Directly behind me was a girl. About 18-19. She had long blonde hair and green eyes. I'm not gonna lie, I'm a sucker for green eyes. I also noticed that she had one of my shirts on that I have in my merch, which has the simple x and cross on it. I smile slightly at her before walking towards her.

I put my suitcase down and I place my backpack behind it.

"Hey" I say with a smile before holding my arms out to give her a hug

"Oh my gosh I can't believe this is happening" she says with a very large smile before running into my arms.

"What's your name?" I say with a slight laugh whilst breaking the hug.

"I'm Ellie" she says smiling brightly

"Well it's nice to meet you Ellie" I say sincerely

"You too!" She says whilst beaming with happiness.

"Can I take a picture with you?" She asks still smiling

"Of course!"

Ellie then grabs her phone out her back pocket, and brings up the front camera. She holds it so it points to both of us, and we both smile as she takes the picture.

"Thank you so much!" She says still beaming with happiness.

"It's no problem, you going to ultra tomorrow night?" I ask with a smile

"I am! I can't wait to see your set!" She shouts enthusiastically

I feel humbled at the fact she's excited for MY set.

"Well I've gotta go now, I'm really tired from travelling here" I say simply.

"Okay no problem! Thanks again for the pictures!"

"Anytime" I say smiling at her, before grabbing my suitcase and backpack.

I continue to walk down the corridor until I finally reach my room.

I grab my key out of my pocket and I put it into the door.

Once I opened the door I'm greeted by a strong smell of vanilla mixed with cinnamon. And honestly the scent was the best thing I've ever come across.

I walk into the room, and I look around. The bed is fucking huge, I swear I could fit 5 of me on it.

I glance over to the other side of the room and there's a small couch and a coffee table. And then off to the side there's a door which leads to a bathroom.

This hotel room was so simplistic as it just had the basics, but that's exactly what I liked about this room as it wasn't sugar coating anything at all, it's just a bed for the night and honestly... It made me feel like I'm living a normal life.

I smile to myself before placing my bags to the side of my bed. I lay down on the huge bed and before I know it I'm fast asleep.

Another chapter! I hope you guys are liking this story soon, the next chapter is when things start to get interesting... I'll update again soon!

~em x

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