Chapter 5

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Rosa POV

"Yes and I'll have the cheese burger with extra cheese and some fries on the side" I nod as I write down the order.

"And for you madam" I say with a smile

"I'll have the Greek salad with extra olives" I note it down on my pad and I take the menus from the customers hands.

"Would you guys like any drinks while you wait?"

They both nod and I take out my notepad again.

"We'll both take a coke" the man speaks. I add the cokes to their order and I walk back over to the counter to double check I wrote everything correctly.

I walk through a door which leads to the kitchen, where I see the head chef, the sous chef and the other workers.

"That'll be a cheese burger with extra cheese with a side of fries, and a Greek salad with extra olives" I shout into the kitchen before placing the slip of paper onto the order board.

I walk over to the bar and grab two glasses. I then grab two cans of coke out of the fridge and I pour each one into the glasses. I add a few ice cubes and then walk back over to the man and woman I spoke to a few moments ago.

"Here you go" I say with a smile. "Your food shall be here soon" I say before turning around to make my way to the other tables to make sure they were clean for the next customers who may visit.

I'm Rosa by the way. Rosa Courtland. I live a pretty normal life. Well just a life that any normal 18 year old girl would live. Well... Other 18 year olds go out to drink and party. Whereas I'd rather just stay home and catch up on prison break or another show on Netflix.

I have darkish brown hair and and blue eyes. Im not that tall. Im only around 5'5, which I guess they would call average? I wouldn't say I'm fat, but I wouldn't call myself skinny either, I'm in the middle. My mother says it's just huggable. Whatever helps you sleep at night mom.

Once I had finished cleaning the tables, I go back behind the bar and I lean over the island using my hand to rest my head on. If you haven't gathered already, I work in a diner.

I start daydreaming because quite frankly. I'm exhausted, I've been working since 4 and it's now 11. Only 30 more minutes until this place closes thank fuck.

I'm suddenly met by a pair of deep green eyes that belonged to a pretty attractive guy if I do say so myself.

"Hey could I get a coffee please" he says looking pretty stressed

"Sure thing" I say with a small smile.

He nods and makes his way over to one of the tables and I begin to make his coffee.

Martin POV

I have no idea where this cab driver has taken me. But the cab stopped pretty abruptly.

I paid the driver and said thank you before stepping out of the cab with my backpack.

I should've thought this through, all I have is my laptop, my mixer, Chargers, money and a spare shirt. You seriously fucked up Garrix.

I could just buy new clothes once I've found a hotel to crash at for a while.

I start walking along the pathway and I look around to see my surroundings.

I'm in a town called 'Chester'. Seemed quaint, quiet and somewhere where everyone can live a normal life.

I smile to myself, knowing the fact I have a chance to get away from the fame, even if it is just for a few days.

With that my phone began to ring. I take it out of my pocket and I look at the caller ID. It was my mom...

I decline the call, knowing if I answered id only get grief. I decide to turn my phone off completely so all calls will go directly to voicemail.


After a few minutes of walking, I begin to feel pretty thirsty. I soon come across a diner, it looked so cool, it was retro styled and had flamboyant bright colours outside which made the whole diner have an 80's feel to it.

I stepped inside and looked around. It looked as cool as the outside. It had bright red leather seating with tables speckled with oak.

I make my way over to the bar area, as I assume that's where I order my drink.

I look up and I'm greeted by a very beautiful girl. She had brown hair that was tied up in a bun and she was also wearing a bandana. I like her style.

"Hey could I get a coffee please?" I ask pretty much shocked. I can't get over how beautiful she is.

"Sure thing" she says with a smile.

Holy shit

Her smile is so infectious, I turn around and make my way to one of the tables and I can't help but smile to myself.

Soon the girl arrives over to my table and places down the coffee. I notice she's wearing a name badge that says 'rosa'

I love that name... It's so unique. Like her.

"Thank you Rosa" I say with a smile

She looks at me confused

"How do yo-" I stop her from talking and I point to her name badge

"Oh" she says before letting out a small laugh

"Enjoy your coffee sir" she says with a smile before returning to the bar.

Sir? I'm probably the same age as her, if not just a year or two older. What strikes me more is the fact she didn't notice who I am... And I liked it.

Another update!!

So Martin met rosa... What's gonna happen next?

I'll update again soon!

~ Em x

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