Chapter 6

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Rosa POV
I look at my watch and it read 11:30, closing time thank fuck.

I look over to one of the tables and the guy I served earlier was still sat there.

I walk over to his table and pass him a smile and he smiles back.

"It's closing time now sir, I'm afraid you're gonna have to leave" I say kindly

He just nods and makes his way out of the diner leaving behind his cup that had his drink in.

I collect it and take it to the kitchen where the rest of the staff were washing dishes.

"Bye guys, see you soon". I say before exiting the kitchen.

I make my way out of the diner and I see the same guy I asked to leave a few minutes ago sat on a bench outside the diner.

I glance over to see what he was doing. From what I could make out he was just playing with his thumbs as if he were trying to think or figure something out.

I don't know why but I begin to walk over to him.

"Hey" I say simply before he lifts his head up to see who I was.

"Oh hey Rosa" he says smiling back

"Can I sit?" I ask kindly

"I don't know? Can you?" He says jokingly

I join in the laughter before taking a seat next to him.

"So what you doing out here at 11:30 at night?" I ask trying to start a conversation

"Long story" he states simply.

"I have time" I say with a giggle

He looks at me and just shakes his head whilst laughing slightly.

"What's your name?" I blurt out instantly regretting it, he's gonna think I'm a creep.

"Martijn" he says simply.

I knew he wasn't from around here, his accent is pretty thick and European but pretty attractive.

Rosa he isn't attractive, oh but he is. OKAY SHUT UP BRAIN

"That's a pretty cool name" I say with a smile

"I guess" he states

"So what are you exactly doing out here?" I ask

"Like I said long story"

"I told you I have time"

He sighs, as if he's just done with everything.

"I ran away" he states simply

My nose scrunches showing that I'm pretty confused at what he meant.

"I just needed a break"

I nod acceptingly

"Where's the nearest hotel around here?" He asks as he starts to play with his hands again.

There's no way he's going to a hotel, it's way too far as this is a pretty small town.

"Quite a few miles outside of here" I state before I start to play with my hands myself.

"Oh" he seems disappointed.

"You can stay with me if you'd like? I have a spare room in my apartment" I say with a smile.

A sparkle forms in his eyes

"I'd like that"

Short chapter as this is just a filler!

Please vote for this story and add it to your reading lists! It would mean the world!

I'll update again soon :)

~ Em x

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