Chapter 5- Confused

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Chapter 5- Confused

Gabes p.o.v

I knew it was her when she first walked into the room, but the odd thing is, is that she smells angel and nothing else, it really odd for me to be mates with her because of this problem. 

I have been watching my beautiful mate all day. Her striking bright green eyes that are filled with sadness, her long black hair. The way she dresses is even weird because she where longs sleeves pants and boots. 

she covers her self up which i don't mind but the way she does it makes it seem like shes hiding something, something that i will find out. My wolf has been itching to go to our mate. 

When lunch time finally came around I'm determined to sit with her. She is my mate after all, all mine and no one else. 

I took my friends April, Cindy and there mates Chris and joey. They where very happy about my mate, there is something about her that makes you want to like her. 

We walked to the table in the corner where my mate is located. I smiled as i got closer to her, the closer i got to her it made me want to get even closer. 

Once i sat down at her table with her the first looking her bright green eyes was fear total and utter fear. She gulped and shuffled though her binder. pulling out a bored. 

Even though she can talk it doesn't change anything, i would love her no matter what. She started to write on the bored, i looked at her questionably. 

She started to write on her bored and showed me the words that confirmed that she is freighted. Am i in your seat? she wrote while her hands shook. 

I looked at her in disbelief . Why would she even ask such a silly thing?  "no no of course not were just want to be your friends." 

She just shook her head grabbed her things and walked away. I watched her walk away from me in pure sadness. "There's something wrong with her something not good." Chris said gently. 

I nodded and looked where she used to be confused. I nodded there is defiantly something wrong. 


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