Chapter 7- Whats That?

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Chapter 7- Whats that?

Kellis p.o.v

I woke up sick, and sore, but I know  that i cant skip a day of school with out steve finding out, but then again i don't want anyone to see these marks especially him.

I know that it would be risky going to school in this condition, but what other choose do i have; to stay here and get another beating to only get worse and have to repeat that tomorrow?

That isn't what i needed to do; stress my self out. I looked back in the mirror, looking at my self and sighed, i might as well paint my self purple, blue and black. Because thats what i always look like.

 I touched my stomach and hissed in pain, it looks like he beat  me for hours after i passed out; which he most likly did, i honestly wouldnt be suppressed.

I shooked my head and carfully undressed myself. After showering and changing i walked out of the house and to school knowing i was mostlikey going to be a tad bit late but i cant run or walkfastly for that matter.

I walked for about 45 minutes till i finally reached the school.

I walked right to my first hour and walked in unnoticed I mean why would they notice me?

I sat down and put my head down, I just  want to be left alone and just not have any one talk to me.

I pulled my sleeves over my hands a bit more just to make sure nothing was showing I really don't need anyone questioning me.

I sighed and looked around the class only to see everyone looking at the board expect for one person, my mate.

I turned around quickly and sighed I still felt his star but not it was on my neck, typical werewolf male, I guess.

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