Chapter 20- Sobbing

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chapter 20- Sobbing 

If anyone wants me to read there book(s) please just dedicate a chapter to me and i will be happy to read them, i will also message you and tell you what i think of them, 


Vanessa's p.o.v

I looked up at the man in front of me. He was asking me questions about the real me. 

I mean i know this isn't me but i also don't know who i am, the moongoddess is the last thing i remember before i woke up like this. 

The man in front of me sighed in defeat,He put his head in his hands and i saw a tear fall down his cheek and on to the floor.

I sighed and looked down, wishing i could do something to help this man. He started to talk once again. 

"My mate,  was so sweet, but she was so shy and scared of everything even me, i never did anything but she told my cousin who kidnapped her and tried to mate her, that she loved me, he dad beat her and she would come to school in clothes that were far to big, long pants and hoddies to hide everything that has happened to her. But i got her back when it was to late and she was dead. i kept her here because i couldn't take it, i couldn't believe it, i didn't want to believe she was gone. When you opened her eyes, i had so much hope that's all gone because there is no hope. No love. I was destined for this, my grandfathers mate got kidnapped and killed right in front of his eyes. Was i destined to be a lone alpha?" He spoke

The last question hit me by surprised. He looked up at me like he was waiting fro me to answer him. I couldn't speak. He started to talk once again. 

"The switch can be deadly for one of the people in it, And you look just  fine. Your mates wolf could have gone crazy and he could kill my mate.You dont have my mates wolf so she still has her powers but what good will that do her if she is in a cell. Being beaten or even raped and i cant do anything to help her. " Byt this time he was sobbing. 

"I just want my mate, i would take her place, who didn't the moongoddes take me?" 

i looked at him in surprise, most men would not do that for someone, even there mate. But what am i to do. 

'we are going to help' my wolf whimpered. 

Kellis p.o.v

I miss my mate, but i cant even remember who he is all i remember is that he was sweet and caring to me, that he truly loved me. 

But the problem is that it is going to be extremely hard to find me. Maybe he will never find me. Hope. Hope? There is no hope. sometime i doubt that hope is even real, lets face it its not, 

The men walked into my cell. "please" i cried "not again" they looked down at me in sorrow. 

"the alpha would like to speak with you" was all they said before each one of them grabbing my arms and dragging me out of my cell. 


Dont forget to 




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